monkey see. monkey do.

Kids make me laugh.
They are such little sponges and they just want to do whatever the adults around them are doing.
Case in point…this photo:
{The faces are blurred out because I obviously can’t circulate photos of children on the internet without their parent’s permission.}
I was sitting on this exercise ball at the playground and looked over to see a group of boys all balanced similarly on balls.  I said:
“If you guys had big bellies like me then we would be matching!”
I went back to what I was doing and a minute later looked over to see that they were still balancing on the balls, but that they’d gotten other smaller balls to shove underneath their shirts to imitate a pregnant belly.  Obviously I had to make them pose for a photo with me :).

I can’t wait for my baby to do and say silly things like this.
Preschoolers are my favorite. 

Hope you all had a great weekend!



  1. I must agree! Preschoolers are so much fun!

  2. Oh my goodness! That is hilarious! I love it! :]

  3. So silly.
    I know a girl who is a kindergarten teacher, and she told me this story I’ve been wanting to tell you. They were going on bathroom break, and this little girl comes out of the bathroom, and her friend is the last one in the bathroom still… and the little girl says to the teacher “She takes so long to go to the bathroom now, it’s like I dont even know her anymore”
    I thought it was so funny!

  4. This is adorable!! I love little kids! I originally wanted to teach preschoolers but after some student teaching experience, I quickly found out that my calling is with high school English students! I’m going to miss those little buggers and all their funny day-to-day silliness though 🙂

  5. that is adorable!

  6. aww! i love this! soo darn cute!

  7. Awww! That is precious! Kids are so adorable!!

  8. awww how stinkin’ cute!

  9. Haha. At first (before I started reading) I thought the kids were wearing little sunshine masks.)

    Cute picture! And, yes, preschoolers are funny. 🙂

  10. I’m a substitute teacher and you are totally right they say the cutest and silliest things sometimes.

  11. What funny little guys, seriously adorable!

  12. Ohmygooooodness…so absolutely adorable. They are definitely the cutest ever!

  13. Love this! They are so sweet (and silly).


  14. Love that. Looks like something my kidos would do. I love it (and don’t love it sometimes) when parents come in and tell me, ‘Well, at home last night we were told, “Well, Miss April says you have to do such and such this way.” They do absorb everything you say and do. My moto has always been, Everyday is an Adventure! Good luck with your new Adventure!

  15. So cute! My 19 month old still sits on any ball he can. Bounces just like how I bounced while pregnant with his brother! Cutest thing ever.

  16. Haha, it’s adorable until you let a bad word slip and they begin to repeat it non stop and then turn it into a song. 🙂

  17. Oh that is so cute!

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