fill in the blank friday.

Fill in the Blanks with a theme…

In honor of the fact that today is Craig and my four-year-anniversary, these blanks are love themed.  Hope you enjoy them!

{I wish candy could count as a balanced meal. The photo has nothing
to do with this post, but I’m 8 months pregnant and I’ve got candy on the brain!}

1.   Love is     a choice. Feelings come and go, but love is something that you choose to do with someone each and every day and it is absolutely, 100% worth it   .

2.   Being in love feels like   tummy flutters and awkward moments and beautiful moments and anticipation and excitement all rolled into one      .

3.  My favorite quote about love is    “Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly.” – Rose Franken, writer    .

4. The most important thing in a relationship is    loyalty and communication. I know that’s two things, but I think both are super important. Loyalty allows you to implicitly trust someone and communication allows you to fix all the little issues that arise on a daily basis before they turn into big issues. I think fighting is so important in a relationship – the tough part though it to fight quickly and fairly    .

5.  A “deal breaker” for me in a relationship is    someone unwilling to put in effort  .

6.  The way I show love in my relationships is    by spending time doing little things – like watching football games with my man or making him his favorite dinner. It’s all the little things that add up into big things  .

7.  I love    Craig Anthony Hartmann 🙂  .

Happy weekending!



  1. love how you wrote about love..the best topic! is this one we can link up to? 🙂

  2. Happy Anniversary, friend!

  3. This is so sweet! :] Happy Anniversary to the both of you!!

  4. Love is such a choice! When things get difficult, annoying or when life is extra hard it seems like such an easy out to just run far far away…. but instead I CHOOSE to work on the parts of life that are awful… and after a good chat and snuggle, voila I feel better!

    <3 MuffinLovesBiscuit

  5. Happy anniversary! 🙂 I’ve just realised that we are on a very similar timeline! My husband and I celebrate our 4 year anniversary in 1 month and our baby is also due in 1 month! Hope you have a lovely day. xoox

  6. thanks so much for this, I love taking part every week 🙂

  7. Happy anniversary!

  8. happy anniversary!! adore what you said about love being a choice! so true

  9. Happy anniversary! 🙂

  10. Happy Anniversary, this is a fun link up!

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