function has officially triumphed over fashion.

Many of you have expressed that you enjoyed my pregnancy outfit posts.
Well, you may have noticed that I haven’t done one of those posts in quite some time.  
This is the reason:
(Hello giant baby bump!)
At 37 weeks pregnant I am feeling less than stellar about my body and basically nothing fits.  It’s actually a little bit ridiculous.  I am sorry to have to admit that function has officially triumphed over fashion.  I gave it a good run, but with dresses that no longer cover my bum, shirts that don’t cover my belly and shoes that don’t fit my swollen feet, my options are limited.  I will say that while I haven’t succumbed to wearing yoga pants and flip flops outside of the house, pajama pants are definitely happening more frequently during my at-home hours.
While I am most definitely excited to meet our daughter and I know that all of this will be well worth it, I must say that I am beyond excited to wear real clothes again and to get back in shape after Fern arrives. 
And at 37 weeks pregnant I am officially full term, so this could be just around the corner as one of the little boys in my class reminded me yesterday….
Child:  “Teacher…how come your baby is taking so long to get hatched out of your belly?”

Me:  “I don’t know buddy.  Why don’t you ask her.”

Child:  (proceeds to tap on my belly) “Fern!  Hurry up and come out!”

My sentiments exactly :).



  1. awww, your student sounds absolutely precious! best of luck these next few weeks, what’s to come far outweighs the wardrobe necessity 🙂

  2. That is too cute a conversation, between your student and your belly!

  3. Aw you just have to love kids! Hang in there, you’re almost done 🙂

  4. Kids say the cutest things!! That is just so adorable 🙂

  5. Lol cute!

  6. hHAHA that is the cutest thing ever that your student said! kids are so honest. i can imagine its hard to do stuff with a belly in front of you! but hang in there!

  7. Aww! That is too cute!!!

  8. haha that’s so cute and hilarious!!
    Hang in there, girl!

  9. Love this post. Tooo cute.

  10. Aw! Kid seriously say the cutest thing 🙂

  11. Is that one of the giant tent-like shirts you borrowed from me? Hopefully those are coming in handy right about now. It’s crazy how nobody talks about the end of pregnancy and how nothing fits you…even maternity stuff! At least this stage doesn’t last long…though the only time I really had to leave the house was when I went out on walks to try to “get things going” so I didn’t exactly have to look presentable. You are a trooper for still going to work for sure! I keep thinking I’m going to get a text from you any time saying that you’re in labor! So soon my friend…she will be out before you know it!

  12. Oh, that conversation with your student is just so cute!

  13. Oh, that conversation with your student is just so cute!

  14. The last couple of weeks were definitely interesting. While I could still technically put my dresses on, the belly made them come up so high (nearly to crotch length) that I pretty much had to wear them as shirts with maternity jeans. It will go by fast though and you will be back to normal clothes before you know it!

  15. Hooray to making it this far! Enjoy this time when you don’t have to worry about fashion… It’s exhausting in itself some days.

    Sal x

  16. Awwww I love what the little boy said! haha! You’re almost there!

  17. So precious! I love the things kids say! =)

  18. Beautiful Belly! Wishing you a Wonderful and easy birth!
    Soon…… Exciting!!!

  19. I remember those days! Good luck! You’re in the home stretch now! Come on baby Fern!

  20. You’re so close! Yea!

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