it’s the little things.

Sometimes life gets busy…
and I forget to stop and appreciate the little things.
So, here are some little things I’ve appreciated lately….
My husband making me hot cocoa.
Fun socks.

Fern’s teeny little outfits.
Soaking up time with friends.

Meager attempts at Christmas decorating.
What little things have you been appreciating lately?



  1. That’s cute that your husband made you hot cocoa. And fun socks and Christmas decorating are always fun πŸ™‚


  2. I appreciate just sitting in on rainy days feeling like I dont have to do anything, and just enjoying the sound of the rain πŸ™‚

  3. I’m amazed at the difference a little sunlight and a freshly made bed can make.

  4. Such a great reminder that we all need to slow down and appreciate the little things in life!

  5. hot cococa – yum! what a good hubby!

    megs [at] Shine On

  6. I like your Christmas decorations, I’m very slowly working on mine.

  7. This is so sweet! I love Baby Fern’s adorable outfits! And my husband totally made me hot cocoa the other day and it was the best! Yay for sweet husbands!

  8. i have let life get int he way of the little things too lately … sweet hubby! and i love fun socks πŸ™‚

  9. slow afternoons, long runs, and warm blankets. Hugs to you lady!!!! XO!

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