
I’m maybe (ok, for sure) kind of addicted to Instagram.
(follow me @ thelittlethingswedo)
…And here are a couple of photos I took this weekend 
using its awesomeness.
Coordinated wrapping paper + the scarf I got my mom for Christmas.
 A magical unicorn to make wishes on, found in the the magical land 
otherwise known as New Seasons.
 Making frosting for sugar cookies with my little cousins.  They wanted neon frosting – not so 
Christmas-y, but they’re tweens who like iCarly and J-Beibs, so it makes sense.
 My silly husband with his favorite Christmas gift…a giant pile of rope.  He seriously asked my parents for this for Christmas.  It will be the line for the winch on his G-Wagen.  Apparently it’s “45% stronger than a steel cable!”  Such a boy :).

Lakers V.S. Blazers Christmas day basketball game.
This is the player formerly known as Ron Artest.  He changed his name to “Metta World Peace”.  What a douche.  I know most of you probably aren’t into sports, but the irony of this just kills me.  Read about “The Malice in the Palace” or better yet watch the Youtube video.  What a joke.

That’s all.

How did you spend your weekend?
How was your Christmas?



  1. Christmas was wonderful! Just loved your pictures. =)

    Merry Christmas!

    megs [at] Shine On

  2. I also instagrammed the heck out of yesterday! (lolkate18 is my username)My Christmas was spent with family interstate. Eating too much food and being completely spoilt! Glad you enjoyed your day too! xx

  3. Omg…. I want a unicorn!

  4. Haha, rope huh? Well at least he’s easy to please, right?

  5. hahah neon frosting. i’m sure they were delicious and pretty anyways!

  6. Love the coordinating paper and scarf, how cool! And, my Hubby has some of that rope and thinks it’s the best thing going. Men! The icing is quite bright, but I know they had fun with it. Blessings for a great end to this year!

  7. Love the coordinating paper and scarf, how cool! And, my Hubby has some of that rope and thinks it’s the best thing going. Men! The icing is quite bright, but I know they had fun with it. Blessings for a great end to this year!

  8. I watched both of the Lakers-Clippers preseason games. Every time I heard the announcers call Artest “World Peace” I had a little chuckle. That guy is crazy. Also, looks like the Clippers are the funner team to watch in LA this year. I find joy in that.

  9. haha a giant pile of rope… my hubs is the same way!

  10. Sounds like a perfect Christmas!

  11. Ugh. Ron Artest. I completely understand:-) I have to completely agree with Kira…sooo excited that the Clippers are turning into something big this year. Anything to take down the Lakers brings me joy. xoxo

  12. trekking your lovely blog!!! thanks for sharing and keep posting! Happy New Year!


  13. Ron Artest is a total waste of space. I refuse to refer to him as World Peace… it’s awful to hear the announcers have to say it too.

  14. I’m with you! It was even named top app of the year. 🙂

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