sweet nostalgia.

This rocking chair belonged to my great grandma Fern.
….and I can’t wait to rock my own little Fern in it in approximately 6 more weeks (give or take). 
 My grandma gave it to me and I kind of love it.  Lucky for me, my grandma has some upholstery skills up her sleeve, because while I love me some nostalgia, the fabric is just a little too busy for me.  I’m super excited to have a little piece of nostalgia in Fern’s room.  I think furniture and decor pieces with a story are the best kind and give so much more life to a room.



  1. That is awesome! 🙂 What a perfect addition to Fern’s nursery!

  2. that’s absolutely adorable. and CONGRATS! ;D



  3. Wow! That is really special and awesome that you have that and can use it.

  4. Oh wow that is so special!

  5. ahh that is so sweet! I had an aunt fern, and I love that name!! Darn it my great grandma’s were ethel, and edith (not fun baby names)

  6. That is so nice that you will get to rock your own baby in that chair! What a heirloom!

  7. Bennett’s sweet green chair was actually my step dads…I used to curl up in a super awkward ball in it to watch tv when I was little. I’m sure he did the same when he was little because it was his parent’s chair originally! Having a cool story behind stuff is way cooler than buyin something thrifted!

  8. That is so very special… and I can’t believe how close you are!! So exciting. BTW- I have a couple of small baby related items for you and don’t know when I’ll see you again. Do you have a PO BOX I can mail them to?

  9. Sooo sweet. Also, the name Fern is SO amaze.

  10. Aww this is super sweet. You should post photos after it has been re-upholstered, I want to see the finished product! How is the house selling/search going?

  11. what a special thing 🙂 love that.

  12. so sweet! my grandma is going to give us her old rocker too. I love thinking of all the precious babies that have been rocked to sleep in it:-) xoxo

  13. That’s so sweet!

  14. very cool. i don’t have a baby and i want a rocking chair.

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