fill in the blank friday.

It’s Friday!
…and that means two things:

1. It’s time for Fill in the Blank Friday.
2. My due date is only five more days away!

OK…now that we’ve established this we can get back to the blanks.  

1.   The last thing I ate was     frozen waffles with peanut butter and jelly on them and a glass of milk   .

2.   The last song I listened to was    “Do You Love Me” by The Contours while having a dance party with my preschoolers      .

3.  Using the letters in my name I can spell    {Lauren}…learn, are, rue, ran, lane, run, Earl, earn, lure, rule, ulna, urea, urn, real, nu, neural, lunar, near, era, lean, ear, el, an, ale      .

4.  If I had to dress in one color for the rest of my life I would pick     blue, because even though it’s not my favorite color, it would be really versatile and I’d have to choose blue, because I couldn’t live life without jeans    .

5.  If you were to look in my bag right now you’d find    makeup, gum, receipts, a granola bar, gift cards, ear buds, a necklace, a cardigan, 2 pairs of sun glasses, a grocery list, perfume, a water bottle and probably a whole lot of other crap I don’t need to be carrying around everywhere  .

6.  When I finish filling in the blanks I’m going to    go to bed!  .

7.  My all time favorite song to dance to is    “Footloose” by Kenny Loggins or maybe “Jump On It” by Sir Mix-A-Lot…both totally cheesy, but I think it’s because they both remind me of high school dances  .

Happy weekend!



  1. Have a great last few days of freedom ; )
    Good luck with everything!

  2. I had a dance party with my three year olds today too! Except we were dancing to “I like to move it, move it.” yay! Baby time is close…so excited for you!


  3. I am SUPER excited about you having your baby soon! I really love the name you chose. So cute!

  4. Ooooh. I love all of those songs!!

  5. I can’t believe you’re due so soon! How exciting!!

  6. Wow…five days till your due date?! How exciting! I never got that far in my pregnancies so I don’t know what the last few days are like, I’m sure you’re so anxious!

  7. Can’t wait to see a picture of your baby!! How exciting!

  8. Love this week’s blanks. Thanks, Lauren!

  9. I’m new to your blog & just joined the link up. Anyways, you’re so close to your bundle of joy…how exciting! Enjoy your last few days of freedom, but know the best days of your life are so near! Can’t wait to read all about it!

  10. Congratulations!!! How exciting!! 😀

  11. Footloose is the BEST song to dance to! I kind of want to go listen to it right now.

    P.S. I’m giving away a wish bracelet today courtesy of Vivien Frank. Come check it out!

  12. 5 days?! Wow that is exciting! Congratulations!

  13. This weeks blanks were so fun! Good luck with everything and i hope you have a great weekend!!

  14. I’m with you on the jeans! 😀

  15. Five days!! Wow! My husband’s birthday is on Monday, and he says growing up he always loved having his birthday so close to a holiday. Best wishes to you and your growing family!

  16. Ahhh! Jump on it! Such a good song. 🙂

  17. Good luck!

  18. thanks for doing this again, loved filling in the blanks. have a great weekend!

  19. Is the date on the picture supposed to be this past Monday? 🙂

    Baby will be here very soon!!

  20. I haven’t done one of these FITBF in ages. Oh how I miss it.

    I’m so excited that baby Fern could be born any day now. I am sure you and Craig are excited to meet your little one.

  21. I only wear jean pants! I don’t really care MUCH for dresses or skirts (simply because I haven’t found any that fit my shape. Boo.) I’m so excited for your due date, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! /flail

  22. I don’t think I can spell anything with my name…Eve is pretty much it 😀

  23. When I saw this post still up I had a feeling Fern came and sure enough she did!! Congratulations! I hope you all are doing well and resting up!

  24. So excited Fern is here! Praying you all are doing well and resting up!!

  25. Congratulations!! Two days without a new post-that shouts baby Fern has arrived! Rest up new momma. 🙂

  26. I was sad not to see a post about your weekend but so excited that it probably meant Fern was born. I don’t even know ya and I can’t wait for the first post on your little one!

  27. I was sad when there was no post about your weekend but also SO excited because it probably meant that baby Fern is here! Enjoy your time but I can’t wait for the first blog about here sweetness 🙂

  28. Lauren,
    Congrats on Fern. She looks beautiful, and I’m so glad that you all are happy and healthy!

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