my awesome friend and a guest blog post.

I don’t know if you know Kacie from 
Collection of Passions….
But, she’s awesome.

I have been exhausted and muddling through this whole breast feeling thing and she so sweetly offered to write a guest blog post for me.  Total life saver!  I’m so thankful for awesome friends like Kacie and so many other friends and family (Matt & Claire, Chris & Becca, Kira, Liz, Jamie, and especially our parents!)  that have offered their help during this time of getting into the groove of having a baby.  We’ve so appreciated it!

Now…on with Kacie’s Post!

Hi there, I’m Kacie from A Collection of Passions. I am so thrilled for Lauren and Craig and I can’t wait to get my hands on Fern! I’m also a photographer and as soon as all this snow melts I’m going to zip over and take newborn portraits of their baby girl. I thought I would take this guest blogging opportunity to offer suggestions for a few easy and inexpensive ways you can help support a family with a new arrival.

Make them some food…
You can make them easy to freeze/reheat food. My personal favorite “new family delivery” is my Chicken Enchiladas. They are easy, and really yummy. The recipe makes two large pans so they can make one and freeze one. Tuna Noodle Casserole is also an easy, comfort food option. I have a “Gourmet” take on it here.
Chocolate Chip Cookies are always a good idea…
I would recommend making the dough and freezing it in balls on a cookie sheet. Then, just put all the dough balls in a big Ziploc for the new family to put in their freezer. That way they can pop a few of them in the oven for fresh baked cookies anytime they need a little pick-me-up. My recipe is here.
Bring a new mom something pretty…
When you’re a bit tired and dishevled new nailpolish, lotion, or lipstick can go a long way. If you have babysitting skills, offer to babysit while she slips out for a massage or pedicure.
Bring over your favorite DVD…
TV shows are great because they are shorter. I love Mad Men and 30 Rock.
Bring your camera…
Even if you’re not a professional photographer it’s great to snap photos of the baby or family. They will appreciate it.
Bring over all the fixings for a hot cocoa date…
 …or a hot toddy date.

Offer to run to the grocery store…

With a new baby, running to the store can be a little tricky. Offer to pick up some items for the new family.

Send a care package…

Even if you live far away, you can still offer your love and support in the form of a simple care package.
I wrote earlier this week on my blog about how important it is to be encouraging, loving, and supportive to new parents (you can read it here if you like). I hope this gives you some ideas for easy ways to do just that.


  1. mmm ok now I want some cookie. great post! it’s always great to remind us non-parents how we can show our support when a friend has a new addition 🙂

  2. All great ideas!
    I showed Jeremy the photo of Fern and Pearl last night. He couldn’t believe how big Pearl looked compared to her. Time flies so fast!

  3. Aw, these are such great ideas. A very good friend is having a baby in April and now I have tons of ideas on how to make her life a bit easier – thanks!

  4. These are great ideas! Even if it is not for someone who just had a baby.. these are great ways to show someone a little love, maybe after a death, move, hard week at work, birthday, etc.! Thanks!

  5. These are all great ideas! I usually bring over a casserole that can be easily reheated and a delicious dessert, but I haven’t thought to bundle it with DVDs or something fun like nail polish or a good book! Thanks for the inspiration!


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