possibly my last baby free weekend.

My due date hasn’t arrived yet.
But, it’s weird to think that Fern could arrive anytime now and it’s quite possible that I just had my last free weekend before becoming a parent.  Crazy!
Here’s how I spent it….
Having a girl’s night at American Dream Pizza with
Becca, Echo (and little Poppy!) and Amanda.

Getting coffee at Ristretto with Lisa.

Having Lisa shoot my maternity photos in the Gorge
(this was just a little Instagram I took myself).

Getting my second round of pizza (and soda on tap!) with our friend Josiah at Hot Lips.

It was beer on tap for Craig though – obviously.
And then Sunday was spent doing a little of this and a little of that.
I went to IKEA by myself, which when mixed with irritable pregnancy hormones and the crazy Sunday crowds, basically makes for hell on earth.  I wanted to punch every slow little lady I got stuck behind in the face.  That’s how you know you’re pregnancy hormones have gotten the best of you…you suddenly want to punch harmless, sweet, little, old ladies.  You can totally judge me, but just you wait ’til you’re pregnant and you’ll see what I mean.  
I did get this trash bin for Fern’s inevitably stinky diapers
And this cool contraption for drying her cloth diapers.
I also picked up some teeny disposable diapers and a couple of G Diaper covers to try.  I think these will be the cloth diapers we go with, but I wanted to try a couple before investing in a whole set.  They’re so soft and cute though…I’m already kind of sold.
In the evening, I had a lovely Thai dinner with my beautiful friend Lindsey and Blizzards and a visit from my parents.  T’was a lovely way to wrap up a weekend.
What did you do this weekend?



  1. good luck i hope little one doesn’t make too early of an entrance or too late of an entrance!!!

  2. Looks like you had a wonderful weekend!
    glad you could do all these things before Fern arrives! 🙂

  3. Well it sounds like you had a great baby free weekend! I cannot wait to meet little Fern! I know you’re going to be such a great momma!

  4. Looks like you’re making the most of your time before Fern arrives. And I cannot believe you dealt with Ikea on a busy Sunday while pregnant. I can’t handle that place on a less busy day and not pregnant! Kudos to you!

  5. wow, what a nice weekend. and that pizza looks about perfect. i love the trash you got for the diapers, its a cute idea. and i feel like i sometimes want to punch old people in the face for walking slow and im not pregnant… so im wondering how im going to be when i actually am pregnant. either way congrats and have fun on your new adventures with your new baby.

  6. Yeah IKEA+Pregnancy is not a great plan. FYI Poppy’s mom designed for G Diapers and people had lots of issues with them leaking. I know lots of mom’s who use prefold (cloth diaper inserts) in them instead of the disposable inserts. Definitely worth trying before you buy the whole thing. Also, there’s another company who’s in development for a similar product. G diaper hasn’t done a great job and taking complaints and doing anything with them so this other company just took it all and is making improvements on the design. =) I’m such a diaper dork!

  7. That sounds like weekend perfection my friend. And I’m so glad to hear Blizzards were involved.

    Love you!!

  8. I’m so glad you had such a lovely weekend my beautiful lovely daughter. I’m especially glad that Your Dad and I could be part of it. Counting down the days til we get to meet our lovely little granddaughter!

  9. Sounds like a pretty good last weekend before baby if it does happen that way 🙂

  10. Hi…this all sounds so good.

    PS: your bog text is very small… 🙁

  11. looks like a very rich weekend filled with people you love! it’s been awhile since I’ve popped by.. it’s hard to believe it’s already time for fern to come into the world! love the dress you wore for the photo shoot.. bet the photos are gorgeous!

  12. I love that cute trash can! I’ve had a couple friends say G diapers leaked for them-just fyi and one of the same friends has loved her bum genius diapers if you want to try them out too. 🙂 http://www.bumgenius.com/

  13. great weekend, pre-baby:-) I remember thinking the same way…”this could be my last time at starbucks…alone alone!” we’re about to take the plunge into cloth diaper land too…I was thinking either g diapers, bum genius, or fuzzibunz. too many choices! can’t believe i’m even having conversations about diapers these days! mama life is happening, for sure! xoxo

  14. Oh wow sounds like so much fun! And cloth diapers?!How vintage and neat. You’re a brave soul. I work at a daycare with the infants and some of the stuff I discover in those diapers I would NOT want to have to wash haha.



  15. Love the photo of Fern and the fern!

  16. I hope you like the gDiapers. They are super cute… we have gDiapers and like them for the most part. We didn’t like them at the infant stage (leaks like crazy). Loved them in the small size (saved us SO much money in disposables). And, now, in the medium size we are having problems with leaking again. But, I do sort of think it was because we made a mistake while washing them.

  17. That’s awesome that you’re doing cloth diapers. It’s nice that bloggers are having babies before me, and then I can find out the best products from experiences like yours! You’ll have to post about the products you love and which ones you didn’t love after you have little Fern

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