
Did you see these photos I posted the other day?

 {photos by Lisa Warninger}

Well….that may be because you haven’t been following along with my blog posts over at Babble!
These photos are just a few from Fern’s first photo shoot with Lisa Warninger 
(see more here).

Not sure if you remembered, but in addition to blogging here at The Little Things We Do, I also blog over at the parenting website Babble.

When I was pregnant I blogged for their Being Pregnant section….
Your guide to those exciting nine months

And now that I have an actual human baby, I’ll be blogging about Fern’s first year of life over at their Baby’s First Year column.

Join our new moms for their wild ride

I’d love it if you’d follow along with my posts there.  It’s a good outlet for me to vent about all the mommy stuff that those of you who aren’t mommies may or may not care to hear about… things like the projectile poop incident that occurred today.  See?  This is why I have an outlet.  I promise the posts won’t all be about gross baby bodily fluids and actually, thus far, none of my posts have been about that.

So, go check out what I’ve been up to over at Babble!



  1. projectile poop??!! Ewww…
    Thanks for that detail, but I still want to have a baby right now! 😉

  2. hes teeeeeeeeeny! awwww xx

  3. Fern is so beautiful! The photos are just too sweet! 🙂


  4. Isn’t it kind of crazy to sit back and thing “I have an actual human baby.” It still kind of blows my mind.

  5. so lovely pictures. I will check out Babble:)

  6. Oh my word those pictures are the cutest thing I’ve seen in a long time!! SO sweet!!

  7. I’m not a mommy and I still love to hear all about your adventures in mommyhood! 🙂

  8. Most adorable new baby girl photos. I love the ones with Mommy and Miss Fern the most… or the family photo including Daddy too. Love that Marley is accepting her. Congratulations once again!!!!


  9. SUCH adorable photos. You are very lucky to be real-life friends with the talented Lisa W. And fern is precious. Hope you are doing well.

  10. so cute!!


    I can hardly take it! Congrats on your little one!

  12. Aw! I love that one w/ the doggie in the background looking at her. They’re all adorable!

  13. Lauren & Craig, congratulations on the arrival of beautiful Fern! I was wondering how Marley would react to this new little person, but I can see that she already loves her and is acting as her personal bodyguard! What great photos, thank you for sharing.

  14. Congrats……She’s Beautiful! Love how PRECIOUS she is!

  15. Haha. Oh, Marley. 🙂 What a sweet little pair. Well, one of them is little.

  16. Adorable—these make my heart happy! We have a german/belgian malinois—your German looks like she loves fern! 🙂

  17. What wonderful pictures!

  18. I love to read and see all your work! Just remember not to burn out, Fern is way more fun than we are =P

  19. Congratulations!! She’s absolutely gorgeous and Marley looks absolutely besotted with her!

  20. i love these photos they are adorible! congratulations on a beautiful healthy baby.

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