daddy daughter.

 There’s no mistaking it….

She’s all his.
Can you believe how similar Craig and Fern look??
(He’s on the left in case you were wondering)
She is most definitely her Daddy’s Daughter :).
Head over to Babble to see the rest of my side by side Fern & Craig photo comparisons!



  1. Wow!! Definitely see the similarities!! I totally see some of you in there too though 🙂 Happy Saturday!!

  2. Oh my! I thought they were the same baby and you forgot to post a picture of Daddy! I had to really re-read to figure it out. She definitely is his 🙂


  3. Oh wow! She does look just like her daddy! These photos are oh so cute!!
    xo Heather

  4. Crazy! I look just like my dad too! how cool to see so much of him in her!

  5. How awesome!

  6. My baby looks just like her dad too. It makes me exactly half sad and half super happy.

    Also – my baby wore that exact same onesie that your husband is wearing – and no, I didn’t thrift it and it wasn’t a hand-me-down. It was given to me (new) as a gift! Funny!

  7. Oh, wow! They do look so much alike!
    No worries though, by the time she’s 8 months she’ll be all yours 🙂
    At least that’s what happened to me with my daughter Ellie. She was the mini version of hubby, like 100% and now she totally looks like me. Yay to this mommy!

  8. Oh my that’s so sweet! They really look just alike!


  9. it’s always fun to compare baby pictures!!!


  10. WOW! I read this post and initially thought, “how can I tell if they look alike without a picture of him?” How wild!

  11. Oh my goodness! It took me several seconds to realize they weren’t just two pictures of Fern!!

  12. Your Babble link isn’t working for me… Darn it! I love the side by side though.

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