super simple summer drink recipe.

If you know me at all, you know that I love short-cuts. and things that are “almost homemade”. (You can see examples of this, here, here, here and here). I love hosting meals for friends and family and I love DIY’ing gifts for people, but I’m slightly lazy about it in that I don’t make […]

pretty smelling things.

I’m a sucker for pretty smells and lovely packaging…so, when I discovered this skin care collection I was smitten. And guess what?   It’s from Disney!  Yes, that Disney!! I was totally surprised.  Who knew Disney made things that weren’t DVD’s or t-shirts with Mickey Mouse on them?  Certainly not I, but apparently I was […]

adventuring with daddy.

This weekend Fern and I went adventuring with Craig. If you’ve been reading this blog for awhile, you may remember me talking about my husband’s love for G-Wagens and how owning one has sort of inducted us into this little club and we regular head out on G-Wagen off-roading excursions with the group (see: here, […]

fill in the blank friday.

double bubble.

One of the best things about having a baby is… Watching all of their “firsts”.This week Fern experienced two firsts: 1)  She laughed for the first time. (You can watch the video here) 2)  She enjoyed her first bubble experience and you can see that experience below.  It was a pretty sneezy event. I’m not […]

fill in the blank friday.

If you missed last week’s Fill in the Blank Friday,  you might have missed the fact that it’s gotten a revamp. From now on I’ll be providing a prompt, basically one blank, as a jumping off point for a blog post.  Anyone who wants to play along can use this prompt and then make it […]