i’m officially old.

The other day I realized something: What caused this realization you might ask? Was it the fact that I’m now firmly rooted in mid-twentiness with a husband and a baby and a dog and a house and the fact that I get super excited about the sheer prospect of going to the grocery store alone? […]

diy headband for babies or grownups.

It’s really difficult to find cute headbands for babies. Most of them have these monstrous flowers the size of your babies face and they’re just a bit too intense for my liking.  Even the simple headbands usually only come in rainbow colors – finding a neutral headband is like finding a twinkie during a zombie […]

life lessons for fern #3.

Dear Fern, This weekend you wore the cutest little rainbow romper.  It was absolutely adorable on you, because rompers are precious on babies, but it made me remember a time when I bought a romper as a grown-up. It was about two years ago and rompers were a trend at the time.  I promptly went […]

fill in the blank friday.

Today I bring you the new and improved Fill in the Blank Friday! The format is a little different, but the idea is still the same.  There will still be blank filling, but instead of coming up with seven blanks each week there will only be one.  You may be thinking, “What?! What am I […]

sunshine and a good book.

When I was pregnant with Fern, I read to her approximately 20 times a day…. because as a preschool teacher I was always reading to my students.  Perhaps it was all that reading in utero, but whatever the case, she seems to really enjoy reading books together. My brother-in-law is convinced she’s going to grow […]

unrequited pins.

Remember awhile back when I talked about my  plethora of unrequited pins? Basically, I was talking about how I have approximately elevendy billion pins on Pinterest that will never come into existence.  Clothes I’ll never be able to afford/wear, DIY’s I’m never going to do, recipes I’m never going to make….I think you get the […]