my favorite thing about today #70.

My favorite thing 
about today was…
Looking in my rear view mirror and seeing this precious girl….
sleeping like a log.
It may not be anything super exciting, but we actually had a pretty rough day and seeing her sleeping so sweetly was a breath of fresh air in my day…a reminder for me to not sweat the small stuff and to just focus on the things that are important.  Things like my beautiful girl.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better.



  1. Perfect.

    Perspective to finalize the day. I hope tomorrow will be better.


  2. Oh my gosh, she is adorable.

  3. Sleepy beautiful baby. Praise the Lord!

  4. It really is the simple things!

  5. I hope things are going better for you girls today 🙂

  6. Isn’t it amazing how their little necks can stay in the same position and it never seems to phase them. Oh, me! I’d be at the Chiropractor’s office for sure.


  7. Isn’t it amazing how their little necks can stay in the same position and it never seems to phase them. Oh, me! I’d be at the Chiropractor’s office for sure.


  8. So sweet!

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