happy inappropriate thanksgiving from our family to yours.

Happy Thanksgiving! And what better way to celebrate than with a semi-inappropriate Thanksgiving video I made on Jib Jab of our family?  Oh, wait…there is no better way? That’s what I thought too.  Enjoy!  Always keeping it classy. xo Lauren

what fern wore #5.

When Fern was teeny tiny I used to do baby style posts… and then for some reason I stopped. But, I’m starting them back up again, because I love playing dress-up with her and I get a lot of questions about her wardrobe, so I figured why not share?! Here is what Fern wore to […]

apparently i’m a lightweight.

Now that I’m a mom, I party hard. An exciting Friday night now is watching DVR’d Parks & Rec and eating takeout. And if I’m feeling super crazy I partake in some wine or a mixed drink. The other day at the grocery store I got sucked in by the Mike’s Hard Winter Blackberry (yes…I […]

weekend happenings and a makeover.

Some of you may have noticed a new look when you meandered over here today… Well, that’s because over the weekend, I put on my big girl pants and figured out a bit of HTML code to tidy up this blog. It’s not anything drastic, and it’s probably super novice stuff for those who aren’t […]

fill in the blank friday.

Happy Friday bloggy friends! Time for some blanks, so get filling! 1.  My best quality is   that I am dependable. When set upon tasks, people can trust that I will do a good job   . 2.  One of my less flattering qualities is  that sometimes I get so focused on those “tasks” that I lose […]

hair woes.

Postpartum hair sucks. Ever since I had Fern my hair is total crap. It fell out in front and I was bald’ish in the front. I thought that was pretty bad until it started growing back in. Now I’d prefer going back to baldness, because these spiky baby hairs freaking out in front are even […]