what fern wore: #19.

This is kind of like a “What Fern Wore” post, except Fern isn’t actually in the clothes yet.

We’re away at the “happiest place on earth” (or maybe the second happiest after Disneyland…I’ll let you know my opinion once we get back!), but I thought I’d pop in to show you what Fern will be wearing to commemorate the occasion…

*Side note: it is SOOOOOO much easier doing outfit posts without an actual toddler in the clothes. No blurry pictures! It’s a Mother’s Day Miracle! (or…a post-Mother’s Day miracle? Nonetheless…)

<<< Check out the outfit details + links over at Disney Baby >>>

I know, right? So stinking cute. I wanted that shirt in my size too, because you know how I love a good mother/daughter matching moment, but alas they were all out of my size. Sad day.
Nonetheless, I found another cute option and I can live vicariously through Fern in her cute shirt.
Happy Tuesday friends!



  1. So sweet! I wish I could steal Fern’s entire wardrobe for my little girl.

  2. I think I want that outfit in my size, too. 🙂
    So cute!

  3. Oh my gosh CUUUUUUUTE!!!

  4. wow so so cute.

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