A Song In Her Heart

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it here before, but my kid LOVES to sing. As in she pretty much sings her way through the day from the time she wakes up until the time she lays her head down at night…and even long past that because she has an affinity for singing herself to sleep.

A Song In Her Heart

I’m not one of those moms who thinks everything my kid does is “amazing!” or that “she’s such a genius!” – I realize that for the most part she’s a pretty normal toddler (albeit a pretty cool, easy-going toddler, but still…). But the singing? Well, I have to admit that she’s pretty good at singing too for being such a tiny thing. She’s been humming recognizable tunes since she was 14-months old, which I’ve gathered isn’t totally the norm. Maybe she can’t count past three yet, but girl can sing “Row Row Row Your Boat” like nobody’s business and at this point she can sing the following (*note: these are more for my memory than for anyone else, because I don’t want to forget!):

“Old Mac Donald Had a Farm”

“Row Row Row Your Boat”

“Frere Jacques”

“Los Pollitos Dicen”

“It’s a Small World”

“Jesus Loves Me”

“How Deep the Father’s Love” (only part of this one – hymns are LONG!)

“Twinkle Twinkle Little Star / ABCs”

“Baa Baa Black Sheep”


“Thrift Shop” (not in its entirety though)

“Blurred Lines” (also not in its entirety)

“Rock-a-Bye Baby”

I’m sure there are more, but these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Unfortunately it is incredibly difficult to capture a toddler singing, because anytime she sees my phone out to record her she instantly stops. Yesterday I got smart though and flipped the camera so she could see herself singing and it worked like a charm. Seriously…why did I not think of this sooner?!

Anyway, I wanted to share this six seconds of her singing her current favorite: “Rock-a-Bye Baby”. She can pretty much sing the entire thing, but not in six-seconds obviously. These are the best six seconds though. It’s fun hearing her little hums evolve and add in words now that her language is exploding so much. Sometimes it blows my mind the things she knows how to say!

Love and music,



  1. My daughter is the same way! She also rocks back and forth while she is singing, its the cutest!

  2. i totally think that qualifies her to genius status. 🙂

  3. Can’t get enough of Fern, so cute! My daughter is hitting the “singing” stage too (she’s 16 months)…Her current favorites are “Ring around the Rosey” and Katy Perry’s “Roar” for obvious repetitions of her favorite animal sound–roooaar!!

  4. Awwwww What a beautiful voice! So sweet! 🙂

  5. She must be a very happy kid if she’s always singing 🙂

  6. She is the sweetest. You two should do a duet! You both have beautiful voices!!

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