Adventures With Fern: Disney On Ice

This weekend my parents surprised Fern with last-minute tickets to Disney on Ice and it was pretty much the cutest thing on the planet. I mean…how could it not be the cutest, when you’re going with a toddler dressed up like Minnie Mouse? She was the only one in a sea of princesses, so she got lots of “ooohs” and “ahhhs”.

Oh, and total aside: I know I said I would never do licensed characters or whatever before I became a parent, but I’ll admit that I’ve totally drank (drunk, dranken, huh?) the Disney Kool-Aid. Part of that is probably because I work for Disney and have learned more about the culture and history, but honestly it’s not like they make me say this stuff and this Disney on Ice thing was not in any way related to something they required me to do. Fern just loves all the characters and they make her smile, which in turn makes me smile so how could I not love it too? Also, there is just something about experiencing Disney with your own child that is pure magic.

OK, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way…more about this ice skating princesses business…

Adventures With Fern: Disney On Ice - The Little Things We Do

I was slightly skeptical that Fern would sit through it all, but I was pleasantly surprised. After the intermission she got a little fussy, but that was mostly because it was nap time. Her favorite part of the show was obviously when Minnie, Mickey, Donald and Goofy came out to introduce the different acts. This girl is all kinds of obsessed with Minnie and Mickey. When she wakes up in the morning and I ask her what she dreamed about she always answers with “Mickey” or “Minnie” and I really wouldn’t doubt it.

She also loved The Little Mermaid part of the show. Ever since I sang “Kiss the Girl” for that Disney Find Your Voice contest she has loved the song. When I’m gone and she misses me, Craig will play the video for her and since then I have let her watch the actual clip from the movie on YouTube. There’s a line in the song that says  “Look at her you know you do” so Fern refers to everything Little Mermaid related as “look at huh ya do”. It always makes me laugh.

Oh…here we are all blurry style. Not a very good picture, but it was the only one I got so I’m saving it for posterity.

Adventures With Fern: Disney On Ice - The Little Things We Do

It ended up being a big group of us that went – Craig couldn’t come, but my mom and dad went as well as my brother Matt and his wife Mallory. They got her this fun light up Belle thing. I’m not sure what you would even call it, but she was pretty stoked about it.

Adventures With Fern: Disney On Ice - The Little Things We Do

This kid definitely doesn’t suffer from any shortage of neglect. By the time we left the event she had her own light-up princess spinner thing, a Minnie Mouse doll and a Little Mermaid beer stein. It was actually the cup her obscenely expensive snow cone came in, but it really does look like a beer stein (see here). While she definitely didn’t need all of these things, it was fun and sometimes grandparents just can’t help but do a little spoiling, so I won’t begrudge them.

Adventures With Fern: Disney On Ice - The Little Things We Do

We had a really fun time and I would definitely go again!

Oh, and since I’ve gotten so many questions about it, here are the details about Fern’s Minnie costume…

Disney sent me a pink Minnie costume which Fern loved (imagine sparkles and ruffles – basically toddler heaven), but it was a size 4T and far too large, so I went to exchange it at Toys R Us and while I was there I found this red one and knew I had to make the switch. I’m a sucker for classic Minnie Mouse and truth be told I sort of wanted this costume in my size – the white Peter Pan collar is just so perfect! I also thought it would make a better option for Halloween since it’s a thicker flannel material. I added my own flair by pairing the dress over top of black tights and a black onesie and drawing on a little nose and whiskers. She also had some white gloves on and she loved them, but they got too hot, so I ended up ditching them. It would be great for trick or treating though and I think she could easily manage without a jacket in this ensemble. I sort of want her to wear it every day because it’s just about the cutest thing ever. They were out of her size online, but I found a variety of sizes in the actual store and they even have baby sizes.

And there you have it. Disney magic at its finest people.

Love and expensive snow cones,



  1. This is the cutest! I remember my first Disney on ice experience… Well, actually I don’t remember any of the show but I DO remember the amazing snow cone and still have my Disney stein to prove it. 🙂

  2. So adorable!!!

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