Reliving the College Days

This past weekend Craig and I got to relive our college days. Well…sort of.

Reliving the College Days

In case you haven’t been reading along for very long or in case you forgot, my husband is a bit of a sports fanatic and we actually used to frequent college football games pretty often (see here and here). We even flew across the country to watch our Oregon State Beavers play TCU at Cowboy Stadium once (see here – and please take note of how skinny my arms were and please never let me complain about my arms again, because they will probably never be as “skinny” as they are now again either. K thanks).

Anyway, we hadn’t been back to good ‘ol Corvallis and home of our alma mater Oregon State University in quite a few years. Well, at least I hadn’t. Not since before I was pregnant with Fern which was nearly three years ago. We were overdue. So Craig’s parents bought us tickets to go to a game for his birthday back in August. They were pretty awesome seats – only 20 rows back at the 50 yard line. Pretty sure I haven’t sat (or rather stood) that close since I was a student and everyone crammed in to stand in the student section with disregard for seat numbers.

Reliving the College Days

Anyway, long story short, our beavers lost (*wah wah*), but we still had a good time and we will love our team ’til the end. We are not fair weather fans like some of the bandwagoners who cheer for “the other team” around these parts. Just sayin’.

We had a good time wandering around Corvallis before the game checking out some of our old places – a coffee shop we used to frequent which was pretty fun and also the old crappy apartments that we first lived in as young, broke newlyweds. Oh La Gaviota! You are not missed…particularly the loud frat that used to be next door…but it was pretty crazy to remember all the fun times we had there and the first home we brought Marley to as a puppy. Now we have a real human child and not just a fur baby. Weird. I kept saying all day long: “Dude. We’re like real grownups.” because I kept having these realizations as we would see certain things. So strange.

Reliving the College Days

Also, we realized that we are totally old now, because there were so many times throughout the day where we were like, “Hey! Remember when that used to be _________!” There were a lot of new things that weren’t here when we were students, including a fancy pants new bookstore where you apparently can’t bring drinks in anymore. Lame. I was pretty annoyed about having to dump my coffee out OSU. I also realized that I graduated from college in 2006, which means I graduated seven years ago. Ouch. I always feel like it wasn’t very long ago, but then I actually do the math. All the students looked like babies! This is what happens when you are 29 I guess.

It’s OK though. There’s no one I’d rather be “old” with than this guy.

Reliving the College Days

Love and nostalgia,



  1. how fun! (Did you know I went to TCU?) 🙂

    • I totally didn’t know you went to TCU! Actually…maybe I did read that once and forgot. Either way, so crazy! Oh…and in case you were wondering you guys beat us in that game. But, it was pretty close!

  2. Fun times! We were at that game too. What a bummer of a loss. 🙁 But there’s no place more lovely than Covallis in the fall!

  3. you guys are adorbs. and your arms are still skinny you dork. Mischew!

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