It’s a…

Yesterday morning I announced on Instagram that we were having our gender ultrasound. I had fully planned to go back that evening and announce it there, but then I started feeling a little bit guilty about the lack of fanfare over Baby #2, so I decided to do that annoying thing that bloggers do where they make everyone wait to find out until they can do a proper blog post. I know. I’m the worst.

When I was pregnant with Fern we had a big gender reveal party with a bunch of our friends to find out we were having a girl. It was a lot of fun, but with the timing of this ultrasound, I just didn’t feel up to hosting a party. Christmas just got over, our kitchen still isn’t completely finished, we just got back from Disneyland where I caught a nasty bug and am currently experiencing the worst sore throat of my life, and Fern’s 2nd birthday party is tomorrow. It was just too much to add anything else to the mix.

So, I figured that since Fern got a big party, this baby at least deserved a blog post to document the occasion. I promise we love you Baby #2 and are super excited for your arrival…even though cupcakes weren’t involved (they’re overrated anyway – ice cream is where it’s really at).

Here are a couple of the obligatory face shots of our little alien baby. Is it just me or are ultrasounds the weirdest? Anyway, this is the little profile the ultrasound tech worked so hard to capture since Baby was all curled up, face down. Made things extra tricky.

It's a... // The Little Things We Do

…And the face. This part is the part that always looks a bit alien to me. The glowing eyes don’t really help matters.

It's a... // The Little Things We Do

 A shot of Baby curled up with hands in front of face.

It's a... // The Little Things We Do

 And now for the goods…

It's a... // The Little Things We Do

It’s a BOY!!! He made things pretty clear for us, which I so appreciate :).

I am so excited we’re having a little boy. I was a little bummed yesterday when I thought about the fact that Fern won’t get to experience having a sister, but I know she’s going to love having a brother and I can already imagine all the dress up she’s going to finagle him into playing.

I actually wanted little boys and was terrified of having a little girl when I found out Fern was a girl, so now I get my wish for a snuggly little boy! Craig is really excited too. He loves being a daddy to a little girl and would’ve been just as happy with another, but I know deep down he always wanted a little boy to carry a little piece of him.

We’re going to have so many new adventures with baby brother and Fern is already planning activities for the two of them. She told me, “Baby brother go in the hot swimming pool with Fernie” (AKA our hot tub). I told her he was still too little for that, so now she’s been walking around saying, “Baby brother in the hot swimming pool. No. He’s too little.” I think that means she’s excited though.

Also…baby boy clothes! I can’t wait. And now all those gender neutral things I bought for Fern will get re-worn! Looks like my plan worked out perfectly.

Thank you to all who waited patiently for the announcement. Can’t wait to share our fun new adventures with you!

Love and baby boys,



  1. Congrats, Lauren! I’m actually really excited that you’re having a boy because EVERYONE else I know that has a first girl around the age of ours (my daughter is about a month younger than Fern) that is pregnant again is having another girl. I was starting to feel a bit lonely when I found out that our #2 (due in May, so basically both our kids are super close in age) was a boy. I can’t wait to see what fun little outfits you put together for your little guy. At least H&M has some great boy stuff, in general 🙂

  2. Yay! So excited for you guys! I am currently 32 weeks with our second – a daughter. Our firstborn is a boy and I am excited to use some of his gender neutral gear for number two as well! I know what you mean about wanting another of the same sex for that close sibling bond but also wanting one of each. We are uncertain whether we will have more but I take great encouragement from the bond I see between my husband and his own sister- they come from a family of two children and really enjoy each other’s company and I am happy to say she and her husband are some of our closest friends.

  3. Oh my gosh. How fun! I can’t wait to watch from afar!

  4. I KNEW IT!! Congratulations, I am so happy for you guys! Send you all our love from Chicago! xx

  5. Congrats!!!! I’m so happy for you guys! And yes that is definitely a clear photo! Haha I hated with my girls that they were like,’well it could be hmm we’ll see, not sure’ lol. There was a little part of me when we found out Kenedie was a girl that was like aww for my husband lol. I was stoked for Avrie to have a little sister though. Thats exciting though to get both experiences! We more than likely won’t have another (99% sure) so no boys for us sadly. Thank you for sharing! 😀

  6. Oh congrats! Zara has the BEST boy clothes (girls, too but wow, those boys’ sweaters/hats/shoes). I’m so excited for Fern! She’s going to love having a little brother – can’t wait to see pictures of your growing family!

  7. Being a boy mom is the best. Congrats! 🙂

  8. Having one of each is going to be fun! Fern will still have a special bond with her little brother. 🙂

  9. Isn’t it funny how we somewhat mourn the loss of what we’re NOT having? I didn’t realize how much I thought I was having a girl first until I cut into the cake and saw blue. I was sad about the lack of bows and dance classes and cuddling with my girl. Now I can’t imagine having anything other than a boy and am excited about the mommy son bond and baseball games and having a “man of the house” when my husband is away for work. Your U/S pictures are awesome! Congratulations!!

  10. Yay! I want to see how you dress a boy! And how you repurpose girls’ clothes for a boy! I was (a little) disappointed when I found out I was having a boy because baby boy clothes are so boring. But as I’ve discovered now, TODDLER boy clothes are adorable!

  11. Congrats Lauren! I’m bias but little boys are so wonderful and adore their mommies!

  12. oh congrats on a boy! very fun.

  13. Best of both worlds!!! So excited for you three! And excited for the major cuteness that will hit my Instagram feed in a matter of months. Hope you feel better soon. Between Fern’s birthday and your baby boy there is much to celebrate!

  14. We have a 2 year old girl and a 2 week old boy. I loved having a girl and was a bit sad at first whenn I found out that he is a he but now am totally in love with my little boy. We gave our daughter a big sister book that talks about how the baby is too little to domuch, so she ran around saying things like “”Baby Brother is too little for ice cream. Him has no teeth.

  15. Lee Arndt says:

    So exciting! Congrats! And yeah, I’d say there’s no doubt it’s a boy!

  16. Congratulations! I think one of each gender is the perfect combination. Honestly, I was terrified if having a boy before Levi, but he’s proven to be just as sweet and adorable as I had hoped. Now I’m kind of scared to be having a second boy next month, if only because I’m going to be totally outnumbered at home!!

  17. OMG! Congratulations! Boys are a lot of fun. 😀 (I actually guessed boy on your IG yesterday so I was right! Hah)

  18. boy INDEED!!!!! cant wait to get to know this little guy and love him to pieces! love doing life with you friend! xo

  19. Congrats Lauren! I have one daughter (turning three in April) and I’m finally on-board with “going for” a second. I love that Fern is already talking about being a great older sister. Congrats again!

  20. Congratulations on the news of your baby boy! Fern is so cute, no doubt she will be an awesome big sister!! xo

  21. Congrats, girl! One of each! Perfection! You picked such a wonderful name for Fern I can’t wait to hear your little boy’s!

  22. Awww, a baby boy! It’s always nice to have one of each! Congrats! 🙂

  23. you’re in for a lovely time with your boy. I wanted another boy but I’m expecting a girl… but I know you’ll love having a boy around too 🙂

  24. First of all CONGRATS! I can honestly relate to just about everything in this post. We have a 16 month old little boy, and are expecting a little girl in May. And I feel as though I am not “doing as much” this time for this baby #2 as I did for Noah. (I also do the belly rub and say “I swear baby #2 we love you JUST as much as Noah. Promise.”) Can I be honest as a mom of a little boy how much fun it is to have them. They are a blast! Seriously. And now that we’re having a girl this time around I’m scared. Like I know what to do with a boy but a girl … ummm? CLUELESS! I am excited to have one of each and all the new experiences it will bring. I am glad you’re getting to experience that too. And I look forward to your IG/blog posts all about it! 🙂

  25. Congratulations! You are so lucky to get one of each. I currently have a boy but am hoping next time round we’ll get a girl 🙂 You look beautiful pregnant too. All the best! x

  26. Congrats girl!!! So much fun!

  27. How exciting! Congratulations! I am also personally excited that there is another Fernie 🙂

  28. Oh my goodness how exciting!! My guess was a boy. So happy for you guys!

  29. Lindsay C says:

    Yay!!! I’m due with a little boy mid-May! It will be so much fun to see all the cute things you do with this little guy (and adorable boy outfits). Also — maybe some boy-naming inspiration? I gotta say, the hubs and I had tons of girl name ideas…boys are hard to name!! Congrats!!

  30. Oh, I guessed right!! So happy for you guys! Fern will be the sweetest big sister xx

  31. I was horrified to discover that I was expecting a boy!! I had a 2.5 year old perfect little daughter and thought boys were gross and we were most certainly destined for an all girl household. I grieved the thought of not being able to reuse my daughters darling clothes, etc. But now my little man is 2.5 and oh my word, he is the most precious boy ever!!! I thank the Lord that I wasn’t allowed to pick the gender of our second child because I would be missing out on such a special experience being a boy mama. You will feel the same way. Congrats!!

  32. Congrats girlie.. A little boy will be so much fun I am sure & I am sure big sis will love him just as much as she would if he was a little girl instead..

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