Little Things Fern Says

We are back from our vacation and slowly easing back into everyday life. It was so relaxing and I’m so thankful we got this wonderful chance to get away. It gave me a chance to really miss and appreciate Fern and I’ve pretty much been hanging on every word she says since we got back. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

In that vein, I thought I’d share some of the little things she’s been saying lately. Her language skills are just out of control lately and it’s so much fun to see her learning!

Little Things Fern Says // The Little Things We Do

*Lately we’ve been talking a lot about babies and practicing being gentle with baby dolls. Fern loves babies and would love nothing more than to play with dolls and stuffed animals all day long. That said, she doesn’t seem to be adjusting to the idea of a baby brother super well. Every time we talk about having a baby brother she says, “No, I’m gonna have a baby sister.” We keep correcting her and telling her how much fun a little brother will be, but for now she’s just not convinced. Perhaps we’re going to have to invest in a little boy doll to get her used to the idea.

*This girl has a stubborn streak like you wouldn’t believe. Yesterday while upset that she couldn’t have a PBJ sandwich for breakfast, she threw her smoothie on the ground and said, “I don’t love you Mama.” We talked about how saying I don’t love you to someone isn’t kind and it makes people sad. I told her it’s important to say sorry when we do things that make people sad. Her response? “I not sorry Mama. I don’t manna be sorry.” Guess we’ll keep working on that one…

*After our trip, “Mama, I manna go on bacation in an airplane with you!”

*The night we got back while I was tucking her into bed and in the middle of a song she grabbed my face and said, “I just manna hug you Mama!” Guess she missed me a little too.

*After nap yesterday she woke up crying. When I went in to get her she said (through little sobs), “I manna go play.” Then she paused and said, “I manna hug you first. Then I manna go play.” And she did just that. After hugging me she said, “OK. Wipe my tears. Let’s go play now.”

*We went puddle jumping this week and Fern literally jumped in every single puddle we saw. Even the tiny ones were worthy of her jumping efforts and upon reaching each one she would say, “That’s a good one!” I’m pretty sure she said it at least 30 times. It was pretty cute. I love how excited such small things can make her little heart.

*When Fern doesn’t want to do something her signature reply is: “Uhhh…how about no.” This one isn’t my favorite, but it’s still kind of cute. No way I’d tell her that though!

*While in the middle of making an unsafe choice (i.e. climbing on the coffee table), we’ll ask her, “Fern, is that a good idea or a bad idea?” or “Is that safe or unsafe?” to which she will reply, “bad idea” or “unsafe”…and will then proceed to do it anyway. Oh the joys of toddlerhood.

*Whenever we ask her if she would like something, she has this funny response that is currently our favorite. For example: “Fern, would you like some blueberries?” Response: “I would like some blueberries!” Instead of saying a simple yes, she parrots back the whole thing to us in her response with extra emphasis and inflection on the word wouldIt’s probably cuter if you actually hear it, but I’m writing it down, because it’s my favorite and I don’t want to forget.

I know there are a ton of other ones, but these are all the ones I can think of right now. I really need to start writing these things down in a little notebook though!

Hope you’re all having a good week!


Love and toddler wit,


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