Snow Day Fun…Sort of.

Yesterday in the late morning it started to snow here in the Portland area and if you’re not from around here (or really from any other part of the country except for Florida and California really), you probably won’t get why that’s such a big deal. It almost never snows here. We usually get snow once or twice a year and never very much. If it sticks, it’s usually melted by the next day and some years we don’t get any. Overall, I’m thankful for that because I’m not sure I’d do well in such a chilly climate. I love the mountains, but only to visit. I’m not a fan of driving in the snow, even though I really do love looking t it.

Anyway, I wanted to document our snowy day, because it’s really the first super snowy day we’ve had living in this house and we really don’t get much snow here because of all the coverage from the tall trees, so this was extra exciting.

During Fern’s nap it really started to fall and I treated myself to a cup of hot chocolate, because I was certain this was the extend of what our snowfall was going to be.

Snow Day Fun...Sort of // The Little Things We Do

But by the time Fern woke up from her nap, there was a pretty good layer blanketing the entire yard. Craig got home from work early, so we all got bundled up to go out and play in it. I thought Fern would be stoked because she’s typically pretty adventurous, but not so much. We talked it up while we got ready and she was excited to go out. Once we were there though? She was immediately over it. See the progression?

Snow Day Fun...Sort Of // The Little Things We Do

Snow Day Fun...Sort Of // The Little Things We Do

Snow Day Fun...Sort Of // The Little Things We Do

Snow Day Fun...Sort Of // The Little Things We Do

At least Marley was a fan of the snow. Fern just kept saying “Hold me! Hold me!” and “Wipe it!” She did seem interested in the swing though and asked to go in it. The excitement lasted approximately 15 seconds though. After that it was more tears. In total we probably spent about 10 minutes outside.

Snow Day Fun...Sort Of // The Little Things We Do

…Just long enough to snap this totally appropriate family photo. I can’t wait to show her this one one day.

Snow Day Fun...Sort Of // The Little Things We Do

After that we came in and she sobbed unconsolably for about five minutes until I asked her if she’d like some hot chocolate. The tears immediately stopped and she said, “Yes! I would! I would like some hot chocolate!” Good thing her Daddy is a home barista. He whipped some up for her while we watched YouTube videos of Mary Poppins songs.

Then later in the evening had our first family movie night. Fern chose “The Wizard of Oz”. We have the Little Golden Book version of the story and I started singing “We’re Off To See the Wizard!” with her one night and ever since she’s been totally into it. I showed her a YouTube video of the song and for the rest of the day she kept asking about it: “I manna watch the wizard!” So, we obliged and I was actually really impressed with how well she sat through it! We did have a little intermission to go in the hot tub and take a bath, but other than that she watched all but the last 10 minutes (the last part is kind of boring anyway).

Snow Day Fun...Sort Of // The Little Things We Do

And then this morning I woke up to a backyard that looked like this. I pretty much never want to leave my house because it’s so lovely.

Snow Day Fun...Sort Of // The Little Things We Do

Snow Day Fun...Sort of // The Little Things We Do

Sorry to those of you who get stuck with the cold stuff nonstop all winter, but I’m definitely enjoying our nice white blanket of snow while it lasts!

Love and snow angels,



  1. LOL! Those pictures crack me up! Fern’s reaction reminds me of my daughter! Constantly wanting me to wipe it off of her! I think the thing that cracks me up the most is when it gets to the point where my daughter goes into a full tantrum and considers throwing herself on the ground. The hesitation, knowing it means she will be immersed in snow. But, as every toddler believes, the point won’t really come across unless they are on the ground screaming. However, that is what is causing the tantrum to begin with, snow everywhere! Oh the inner conflict!

    Oh well. I am sure they will grow out of it and learn to absolutely love a good snow day. Or atleast in our case, I hope so. Our winter spans from October-April. Sometimes longer, and with far too much snow for a snow hater. lol

  2. I can totally feel Fern’s pain, that’s what I want to do every time I go outside in the snow as well. Ha!

  3. Aaah it SO pretty!! Portland in the snow? That’s dreamy. I’m pretty sure we’ll get a smattering here in the UK at some point this winter, but god knows when! I hope Beau takes to it well but if Fern is anything to go by, perhaps not! Have fun while it lasts x


    • Katie – I’ll keep my fingers crossed that he likes it! Fern liked it when she was tinier, but for some reason just didn’t take to it this time. I finally figured out some better layers though and got her to enjoy it for a good 20 minutes a yesterday though! SUCCESS!

  4. Enjoy it! 🙂 I live in upstate NY, so we get about 90″ on average each year; let’s just say I couldn’t imagine NOT having snow in the winter.

  5. SO pretty, isn’t it? My kids were thrilled with it (well, the 3-year-old, anyway…the baby, not so much), and I was reminded just how “Portland” we are – no mittens, my daughter’s hats are all in her cubby at school, her “good” snow coat was in the laundry, and the baby lost a shoe at some point. But so fun!

    Your family is adorable! 🙂

  6. Those pictures of Fern are PERFECT. My parents certainly have more than their fair share of photographic evidence of my temper tantrums, and even at 26 they still love to remind me of how “cute” I was. She will most definitely appreciate those some day!

  7. Oh my gosh that family pic is HYSTERICAL. The look on Fern’s face. I cannot stop laughing.

  8. Hahaha poor Fern! But boy will she laugh at those pics one day. I’m with ya, I love the snow since we never get it. It’s so Narnia-esque!

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