Little Things Fern Says

Welcome to this week’s edition of “Little Things Fern Says”. I’ve gotta say…two year olds just get cuter and funnier by the day. Here are a few things Fern has said recently…But first…

Let’s talk about this hair. It’s getting insanely curly! It’s becoming quite unruly, but I still really love it. This is her truly impressive post-nap hair – she was channeling her inner Lionel Richie…or maybe Michael circa Thriller. I can’t wait to show her photos like these one day.

OK…now on with the toddler quips…

Little Things Fern Says // @The Little Things We Do

>>> Fern saw a picture of monkeys the other day and said, “I want one!” I told her unless she became Justin Beiber, she probably wasn’t going to get one to which she replied, “I don’t wanna be Justin Beaver!” Good call kid.

>>> The other day when Craig came home he was teasing me about my rather loungey attire and then like 5 minutes later Fern came over and said, “Mama needs to put on makeup.” and Craig said something like “out of the mouths of babes” and teased me some more. Then I said, “Fern, Daddy thinks I look gross today!” and she suddenly jumped to my defense and shouted at him, “No Daddy! Mama doesn’t look gross!” We both couldn’t stop laughing.

>>> While getting ready to go to my Barre3 class the other day, I told Fern we had to get ready to go to my class and she said, “No Mama. I don’t wanna exercise!” I hope she didn’t learn that one from me.

>>> Homegirl loves to dance. She would dance all day everyday if she could and she wants us all to dance with her. If you come to our house, you best believe she will make you dance and once you do you guys will be best friends for life. Her current favorite dance jam? Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry. She runs around requesting it and singing, “Go Johnny Go!” Here’s a little video of her dancing in action. This little circle skip is what we like to refer to as “The Fern”.

>>> Fern named the dolls she’s holding in the above video. Their names are Baby Debina and Baby Debeesa. I have to give her points for creativity, but she’s definitely not helping us choose a middle name for Baby Brother.

>>> Last week a door-to-door salesman came to our house and Craig answered and was trying to make it a quick chat – the door was only open a crack. The entire time the guy was giving his spiel, Fern was running back and forth excitedly between the couch and the front door… climbing on the couch to see him out the front window and sticking her face in the door crack below Craig’s legs and shouting above the conversation over and over, “Hi man! Hi man! Hi man!” and “Mama! The man is talking to Daddy!” Needless to say my child definitely doesn’t suffer from stranger danger.

>>> Also…we’ve caught the “Frozen” bug around here. I’m happy to say Fern isn’t as obsessed as many kiddos I’m hearing about, but she does love the song, “Let It Go”. We’ve only watched the movie once, but she loved all the singing and requests the songs often. Here is her version of “Let It Go”. The hand motions kind of kill me.

Love and cheeky toddlers,



  1. She is so stinking adorable!

  2. Kids that age are just so fun. My son just turned there, and the other day in daycare one of the teachers had her 16 year old sin visiting. Jonas talked to him, telling him that his mum and dad would pick him up when they finished work, and then he asked him when he was being picked up:) they had laughed so much, as did we when she told us.

  3. Oh my gosh these are just too cute! Fern is so funny and I’m loving the curls!

  4. That crazy hair is awesome! I love it! & I’m glad to hear that she doesn’t want to be Justin Beaver! Smart girl! 🙂

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