Checking In at 31 Weeks

I’m recovering from some pregnancy induced anemia over here and as such I’ve been pretty exhausted. I’ve even taken a couple of couch naps this week, which is something I never do, because I’m totally not a napper. I’ve just started my 8th month of pregnancy (I’m 31 weeks) and that paired with the anemia exhaustion and weakness has totally been kicking my butt. I should be back next week with more fun things – style posts, a recipe post and even a giveaway, so be on the lookout!

Checking In At 31 Weeks // @The Little Things We Do

I mostly just wanted to pop by to say hello and share a couple of posts I’ve written about parenting lately. The first one is one that is truly from my heart if you have the time to read it and/or share it with the other moms you know and love in your life I would be much obliged.

>>> Mommy Misery Poker and Why I Refuse to Play the Game

>>> Hello elastic waistbands, goodbye leg hair: 10 Unexpected Perks of Pregnancy

>>> This is totally my life right now: The 17 Stages of Taking a Toddler Out in Public

>>> 12 Differences Between Your First Pregnancy and Your Second Pregnancy


Love and naps,



  1. Stephanie B. says:

    I’m 30 weeks and also recently found out I’m anemic. Man, it stinks being so darn tired.

    Here’s to both of us feeling better!

  2. I was super anemic with Adelaide too and found out around 30 weeks. I think my number was like 9.2 and anything under a 10 “risked me out” for a home birth. So I kicked my iron intake into high gear and was a 12.3 by my next visit. I’m sure your midwife told you all of these things but Floradix is THE best and when you pair it with chlorophyll you will be good to go in no time! I also ate an omelet with spinach or kale every single morning (man I got sick of those). The second pregnancy I just did the Floradix from the beginning and never had any problems. It’s great because its plant based so you can’t overdo it and it doesn’t make you constipated. Good luck – you are SO close!

    • @Bryn – I’m getting my blood tested again in a week or so, and keeping my fingers crossed that it’ll be better. I’ve been taking Floradix, but it still totally makes me constipated :(. Pregnancy is so glamorous. I’ll have to try the clorophyll if my numbers haven’t gone up and I can definitely do spinach + eggs. I’ll get on that stat! Thanks for the tips!

      • Hope the test went well! Bummer on the constipation… Smooth Move tea? Pregnancy is so glamorous. I didn’t really have constipation issues but I certainly had hemorrhoids. Super sexy, right? I can’t wait for this to be over for you and Clive to be in your arms!

  3. I’m only 27 weeks and already so exhausted. I think it’s partly because my hyperemesis hasn’t completely gone away and partly because I don’t sleep well at night. But it’s the final push! Third trimester!! Yay. Hope you get lots of rest. Must be hard to do with a toddler.

    • @Courtney – Ugh…I can’t imagine pregnancy with hyperemesis. I feel for you mama. You’re almost there though…keep on trucking! It’ll be so worth it very soon!

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