The Little Things We Eat: Recreating the Best Sandwich Ever

I will be the first to admit that I am most definitely not a food photographer. I always swoon over all the lovely food photos in my Pinterest feed, but at the end of the day I am a firm believer that something can look ugly and still taste fantastic, and also I have zero time to pull out my real camera when I’m cooking. I know food bloggers plan their cooking around lighting and all that, but I’m just happy if I actually get something cooked period while having a toddler pulling on my leg and usually by the time that happens the lighting is crap and my kitchen is a wreck. But, none of that matters if it’s delicious right? …and this sandwich was.

Remember when I shared a random list of little factoids a couple of weeks ago? Well, one of those facts was that the best sandwich I’ve ever eaten was at Bakesale Betty in Oakland. After writing about it, I became curious if maybe I could find a good knock off recipe for the sandwich online and low and behold I found the legit recipe straight from Bakesale Betty herself!

She went on this ABC talk show called The Chew and totally shared her secrets!

So we tried the recipe and it was awesome! I made the slaw and prepped all the chicken and Craig did the chicken frying because I refuse to deal with boiling oil. It stresses me out.

The Little Things We Eat: Recreating the Best Sandwich Ever // @The Little Things We Do

 The Little Things We Eat: Recreating the Best Sandwich Ever // @The Little Things We Do

So what was the verdict?

Bakesale Betty definitely has an edge over us. Her chicken was just a little bit crispier and the slaw and the bread was a little bit better. My slaw didn’t turn out quite right because I halved the recipe so I had to add a bit of brown sugar to balance the flavors and the bread I chose definitely wasn’t the right match for this sandwich.

All of that said? It was pretty freaking delicious and an excellent stand-in since we can’t make the trek to Oakland whenever a craving strikes. I think with a couple of tweaks next time we can improve it. The chicken was so juicy and delicious though! This was definitely a dinner win in my book.

If you want to try to recipe you can find it here!

Love and fried chicken,



  1. Ohhhh, the stuff on Pinterest are always soooo good but that looks delish as well. I’m gonna head over the links and check out the recipes.

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