Apparently I’m Crazy

You know those kids in college who literally lived for syllabuses (syllabi? Is that even a word? No matter…) – the kid who got the syllabus and immediately and painstakingly mapped out the term in their handy dandy student planner so they would stay on top of things and get things done ahead of time? That totally wasn’t me. I was the other kind of kid who waited until the night before to write a 20 page essay on the history of rock (yes, that was an actual class I took for a required art credit) while volunteering at an animal shelter and baking a birthday cake for a friend. I kind of live for the last minute and a packed out agenda.

I both love and hate this about myself.

On the upside I can get a crap ton of work done when I have a hard and fast deadline and a full schedule…no time to dilly dally. But on the downside it turns me into a ball of stress. Too much on my plate can be both a blessing and a curse…and such has been this current season of life.

Apparently I'm Crazy // @ The Little Things We Do

Let’s go down the list of craziness that has been the past month:

1. I had a newborn…one who likes to be snuggled up next to a boob (particularly my boob) 24/7. This means no setting him down pretty much ever. Sometimes I can pass him off to another set of willing arms or the beloved baby swing, but other than that it’s a no-go. You can imagine the productivity this produces (insert sarcasm).

2. My toddler flipped a switch and became bipolar. Her favorite thing to say to me is “no” or “not right this second”. The tantrums are epic and embarrassing and everything is a power struggle. Getting dressed in the morning (“I don’t want pants Mama! That dress doesn’t twirl!”). Going out…even if it’s somewhere she likes (“I don’t wanna go to Disneyland/the park/the pool/anywhere you might possibly want to take me”). Peeing in the potty (“No underwear…put the diaper back on me.”). Which brings me to my next point…

3. I’m potty training said toddler. Yes. I know. I’m a glutton for punishment. She’s actually been doing really well, but I swear everything takes a million times longer when you’re potty training and have to wait for your child to try to potty 18,000 times a day.

4. I’m still working from home. Although I use the term “working” very loosely. Apparently kids are really needy and working is kind of a joke. Feel free to send advice for working at home with a newborn and a toddler…and/or wine. Oh wait…I can’t have wine because…

5. I’m doing the #Whole30. If you’ve been living under a rock, it’s basically a Paleo diet, but more strict. The basics are that you can eat: meat, seafood, veggies, fruit, and certain nuts and fats. Things you can’t eat: dairy, sugar, grains, a ton of oils, soy…the list goes on. It sounds awful, but it’s actually been surprisingly good. I’ve lost 9 lbs. in a week and a half and I feel really good, but it’s pretty time consuming. God bless Trader Joe’s and their pre-cut produce or I’d have given up by now. 

So basically it’s been crazy town over here. It feels like college all over again…with the part time jobs and last minute deadlines and elevendy billion things on a plate. But overall it makes me feel more normal. I barely even had the baby blues at all this time around and I attribute the largely to my nutso schedule of doing all the things.

Apparently I’m crazy.

Wish me luck! …And feel free to chime in with all your easy Whole30 recipe ideas, potty training ideas, toddler taming ideas and newborn setting down ideas. I need lots of ideas you guys!

Love and craziness,




  1. Melinda says:

    Can you stick Clive in a carrier? Those were a GODSEND with my twins. Gave me two arms to do stuff while I carried the boys on my front and back.

  2. Hang in there mommy!! I have zero advice because I was totally one of *those* kids that lived by the syllabus, my boy isn’t ready for potty training, and hasn’t reached a good tantrum stage yet 🙁 My only thoughts on the setting-baby-down are if you tried different holds/wraps in a Solly or Moby wrap? At least then your hands are free. Wishing you all the best!!

  3. Dang, girl…that is a whole lot of stress. Wow. Just take ‘er one day at a time, that’s all you can do. Hugs. 🙂

  4. My 2nd child is due in 2 weeks so thanks for the reminder to enjoy my time left before chaos ensues! The only people I know who have had success as work at home moms have babysitters come a few times a week.

  5. I did a Whole 30 in the Fall and loooooved it. I haven’t quite got the nerve to do one again, but I want to in the Fall when it’s not summer and 30 days without a drink seems nutty.

    Some favourites from my Whole 30:

    Paleo coffee – Organic coconut milk, a teeny bit of coconut oil, cocoa – seriously tastes like a latte

    Plantains fried in coconut oil and eaten like chips with guacamole

    Banana pancakes. Okay these are totally “sex with your pants on” but I don’t care. Banana mashed up, 2 eggs, a bit of coconut flour, a bit of coconut milk and vanilla. Then I would serve with fruit on top

    You have to master your own mayo – I love mixing homemade mayo with Franks hot sauce and pepper and dipping sweet potatoes in them

    Same goes for celery root, you can cut it up like french fries – it’s so good for a side dish

    Sweet Potato Pumpkin soup – it’s much tastier if you just mash it instead of puree in my opinion:

  6. So hi! I have been reading your blog for a while I think I found you somehow through barre 3. I am 41 and you are the little sister I always wanted. I have been married for 16 years I also have a toddler her favorite thing to say to me is “do you mind mama” or ” your cray cray girlfriend” mind you she has quite the saucy 14 year old sister-so see things could always be worse

  7. Lauren! Bless you and your crazy schedule! As for the whole 30 thing, if you don’t have a crock pot, get one immediately! It will be a lifesaver. Especially since you’re so busy. Just throw the meat and veggies into it and several hours later, voila! Dinner is ready. Aaaaand it won’t heat up your house like the oven will. If you’re feeling extra ambitious, get two crock pots and have them both going at the same time so you can have extra meals cooked ahead of time. Then you just have to warm them up! Paleo does take a lot of extra time to prep, but I think it’s worth it! P.S. I’m totally there with you on the whole putting things off. So much more productive! Though, I’ve not had to do this with a toddler and a newborn…Also, is pretty much my go to site for recipes. The tex-mex hash breakfast casserole is one of my favorites.

  8. Good for you to take on so many things! I am so impressed you are potty training, working, and taking care of a newborn. I do not think you are crazy, but you are an over achiever. You really can accomplish a lot it sounds like! Good for you! 🙂

  9. I feel like you just wrote this blog post about me. Minus the whole 30 not into that yet although it looks appealing all these success stories on Instagram are awesome, but my life is still crazy with these two kids and I refuse to add more on. Stress that is pounds I’m sure they’re adding as I type just for kicks haha. Avrie is a month younger than Fern and Kenedie is 9.5 months now and it’s still ridiculously nuts. I too have a needy hold me constantly baby and a toddler that was nearly potty trained and then she got a sister and all that went out the window. :/ so we are potty training again. She is fully potty trained at home during the day doesn’t need any assistance in the remembering of going just the occasional wipe or two. Leaving the house has gotten easier now because we got a portable potty from toys r us it folds flat for big public restroom potties or stands up for in the car or trunk as she prefers lol. It’s insane but all I tell myself when it feels too crazy is that I know I will miss the chaos one day. I wish you the very best though potty training alone is rough add on a baby, working, and a husband! Sheesh.

  10. Oh man, I’m so not looking forward to my daughter telling me No.

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