Celebrating the Little Victories in Parenting

There are some seasons as a parent that leave you feeling beaten down and weathered. Days that turn into weeks sometimes when you feel like everything sucks and your kid is kind of the worst and why can’t they just sleep/eat//behave/fill-in-the-blank like other kids their age?! It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and focus on the negatives, but today I am pausing to celebrate a few little parenting victories we’ve had lately*

(*…in the midst of tantrums and sleep deprivation, etc…etc…)

Celebrating the Little Victories in Parenting // @ The Little Things We Do

*Clive slept through the night the other day. Like…7 PM to 8 AM without waking up once. This has literally only happened one other time ever and it was when he was sick (at 8 months old, he usually wakes up at least 3-4 times a night still). It may not happen again for a long while, but it was lovely nonetheless.

*Fern has been telling me she loves me…completely unsolicited. She’s said it before, but isn’t one to dole out the love very frequently or without solicitation. It’s been incredibly sweet.

*Clive is becoming more easily soothed without nursing and my boobs are getting a slight break. Hallelujah Baby Jesus!

*Fern is saying hilarious things with increasing frequency. Just the other day as we were getting on our swimsuits, she looked down at her doll (who was also wearing a swimsuit) and said, “Mom, we (she and her doll) wish we had some boobies to put in our swimsuits.” She makes me laugh every day.

*Clive said his first word! “Baaa!” (Ball)

*Fern is an excellent helper (she actually tells me often, “Mom, I’m an excellent helper!”). She loves putting things in the trash or the dirty clothes and is meticulous about tidying up when she’s done playing with something. She is a HUGE help to me.

*Clive is in a good bedtime routine finally which means date nights have gotten a lot easier and I can leave without worrying that he’ll cry at bedtime.

*Fern is becoming much easier to reason with and gaining more control over her emotions. Don’t get me wrong…there are still plenty of meltdowns, but sometimes now when she’s frustrated I’ll see her take breaths to calm herself down or go to her room to be alone for a bit. Big steps for a little person!

*My babies are developing a sweet bond and it is so much fun to watch. They both adore each other and look for each other with big smiles the moment they wake up in the morning. I’m so glad they like each other (for now anyway).

We still have plenty of drama and unlovely moments where I raise my voice and my toddler has 90-minute long screaming/crying meltdowns (I wish I were exaggerating), and my baby won’t go to sleep despite my best efforts. But, overall life is really great and there is still plenty to celebrate. I just have to keep reminding myself.

What little victories can you celebrate today?


  1. This is great. I love that Fern likes to help out with things. That is a wonderful trait & hopefully one that she’ll keep for a long time, especially into her teenage years. 🙂

    Mandie ~ http://badbrewpack.blogspot.com/

  2. I love this! <3 We have a baby girl who was born just a week and a half ago, and a two year old girl who is beyond her age in a lot of ways, and perfectly toddler-esque in other ways. One of my victories was seeing our 2 year-old meet her baby sister last week: she was and is genuinely fascinated by her and knocks herself out trying to be helpful to me. You can teach kids good manners and how to get along with others, but you can't teach them to sincerely care about their family. Our toddler, without being dependent about it, shows real loyalty and concern towards her little nuclear group, as well as all 6 of her grandparents. This makes my heart happy. 🙂

  3. So, so adorable that Fern has been telling you that she loves you! And awesome that she helps so much! I think it was you who gave me the idea to have G help out with putting diapers in the trash, it gives them so much pride to know that they can help out 🙂

    We’ve been celebrating every little bit of independence and getting baby boy into more of a routine with his naps. Cheers to parenting through these hard early years!

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