A Few of Our Summer Favorites

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a round-up of some of our favorite things, and because I enjoy a good excuse to peruse the internet looking at pretty things, I thought this was a good way to spend my afternoon since my kids totally napped for three (yes THREE!) hours…SIMULTANEOUSLY. Is this even real life?! It is. Thank Jesus, it totally is.

Anyway, I digress. Here are some of our current favorites for summer, things to wear, eat, play with, etc…for little ones AND mamas! Sorry if it get a little long-winded in spots. I just get real excited about sharing things I like!

*Note my friend Claire, who owns Minimart Kids clothing boutique (where you can find items: #1, 5, 6 and 7 below) has offered my readers a 15% off discount code if you purchase anything in her shop now through Sunday 6/28/15. Just enter the code: littlethings15.

Now…on with the favorites!

First up: favorites for the kiddos to wear…

A Few of Our Summer Favorites // via The Little Things We Do


1. Dresses for days. It is a rarity to get my girl in anything that isn’t a dress, so I try to keep her dress game interesting. This shirt style one is unique and different from a lot of the others in her closet. I also appreciate that it’s dark, because: messy kid.

2. Cute swimsuits like this one from Hanna Andersson. I’m kind of obsessed with their girl’s stuff lately. It used to be questionable, but they’ve been on point lately. Also, they’re having a massive sale at the moment. Go snatch up some cute stuff!

3. Rash guards. The less surface area that I have to cover on Clive’s body when it comes time to apply sunscreen, the better. It’s seriously like wrestling an alligator. Love the built in SPF in the fabric.

4. Jelly shoes. These are awesome for going everywhere all summer long and I appreciate that they look cute with dresses, but are easily hosed off and Fern can put them on by herself, which makes them a win in my book. Ours were from Old Navy, but they’re not online (the ones I linked to are a different style of jelly sandal from Gap). There were a ton in the stores though just the other day.

5. Bloomer shorts, because my kid lives for a good dress and sitting in a lady-like fashion is not in her repertoire…like seriously, she’ll suddenly sprawl out spread eagle in the middle of the park. These are perfect for throwing underneath dresses (wardrobe malfunction averted), but also cute on their own.

6. Baby boy tank tops. I can’t even handle the cuteness that is Clive’s chubby arms in a tank top and now I’m kind of obsessed and want to own all the tank tops. This one is fun.

7. This romper. Fern calls it her “Hawaii romper”. All the heart eyes. We seriously get so many compliments on it and it’s on super sale right now.

8. Reusable swim diaper. Ummm…how did I not know these existed until recently? I do love the convenience of a disposable from time to time, but these are such a better value.

9. Little man shorts. Again…I can’t deal with the tiny cuteness of chubby babyness in summer clothes. It’s officially my new weakness.


Other things my kids are loving…

A Few of Our Summer Favorites // via The Little Things We Do

1. Walker wagon. Clive got this wagon/walker combo for his birthday he is totally obsessed with it. We had the ugliest walker before and he wasn’t really into it anyway, but this looks nice sitting in the living room and I can stash his toys in it too. Kid gear that actually serves a purpose makes me happy.

2. Emoji stickers. Fern loves these a lot. She has made multiple cards for friends and family using them. I also like stealing them to leave little love notes in Craig’s lunch. He thinks emojis are annoying and refuses to use them, but I still have hope he’ll come around one day.

3. Ranier cherries. Because all other cherries are sub-par. Although these cost like a million dollars, which makes me sad. Fruit is a good splurge though, right?

4. All the water. Basically since the sun has come out we’ve been soaking it up along with water fun all day errryday.

5. Froozer pops. Costco sold these and they’re super yummy and my kids loved them and they’re all fruit, but now they’re gone…at least at our Costco. Hopefully they’ll come back. If you know of anywhere else to get them, let me know!

6. “Healthy” cookies. The chocolate orange beet version of these are on point and I’ve definitely been known to sneak a few. Fern likes that they’re letters, so she’ll try to spell things before gobbling them up.

7. Toy camera. We’ve had this for ages, but Fern finally realized how to use it and it’s her favorite thing. Now to find her a View Finder. Pretty sure it would blow her little mind.


Things I am loving…

A Few of Our Summer Favorites // via The Little Things We Do

1. Popcorn. For some reason I have been craving popcorn like whoa. I like the pre-made kind – specifically the “slightly sweet” Boom Chicka Pop version – because we don’t own a microwave.

2. Boyfriend tanks. This photo does not do these tanks justice. Go to Old Navy rightthisverymoment and try one on. They’re awesome. Perfectly slouchy and the loveliest blend of linen. Sometimes “boyfriend” stuff can look sloppy, but this is perfectly feminine. I need to go back and snatch up more colors, becausse I love them so much.

3. This cider. I’m all kinds of obsessed with ciders in general but this one is my new favorite. It’s a semi-sweet which is perfect, because a lot of ciders are either super sweet or super dry, but this one is just the right balance. And it’s local, which is always a plus.

4. Pok Pok drinking vinegar cocktails. My go-to cocktail is a splash of one of these drinking vinegars, a bit of club soda and some Aria gin (seriously…this gin is the best gin ever. None of that college Tanqueray business.). SO. DELICIOUS.

5. Mexican blankets. I snatched up a couple of these years ago at Goodwill, but didn’t use them all that often until we had kids, and now we use them nonstop all summer long. Literally, we use them multiple times a day.

6. Flowy shorts. I hate shorts. Like a lot. I dread them every summer, because I just think that they are so unflattering and I much prefer dresses. But, I’m nursing again this summer, which means my dress options are slim. These shorts have a stretchy waistband and flowy leg openings and I pretty much live in them (and slight variations of them) every day. You need some shorts like this in your life.

7. Birks. I resisted the Birkenstock trend for awhile, because I wore them back in college with flowy skirts for awhile when I wanted to be a legitimate hippie and sometimes I feel like – on-trend or not – they are a bit too literal here in Portland. All that to say that I finally got some as a Mother’s Day gift from my husband and they are the best thing to ever happen to my feet. All my other shoes are jealous because all I wear are these. Super comfy and super versatile.


Now, I’d love to hear what some of your summer favorites are? Favorite things to eat, drink, wear, do, see? Please share!




  1. Yes! As a woman with prominent thighs, I cannot begin to express my hatred of shorts (argh!). But, necessary evil and have found that light fabric to be a godsend. Target has some pretty amazing options (ahem, sleepwear section) that I snagged up in black to go under cute flowy summer dresses.

    Also, so bummed that adorable Hawaiian print romper is gone in my little ones size. I had been eying it for a while… so stikin’ sweet 🙂

  2. Thanks for sharing! Luna loves cherries, the “healthy” letter cookies and obsessed with stickers! I did see all the jelly shoes around but didn’t think they’d be comfortable. Though the idea that I can just wash them off is brilliant!!

    I totally agree about the shorts! Ugh! I’ll have to try the flowy ones and I’m seriously getting the tanks asap! I run out of comfortable clothes (but still want to look dressed!) for home.

  3. I too am obsessed with that old navy bf tank in grey! I wish I never had to wash it so I could wear it every day. Have you tried memphisto shoes? They look like birks but are slimmer and have more cushion to them. I’m obsessed.

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