My Favorite Whole30 Hack + a Tessemae’s GIVEAWAY!


{This post is sponsored by Tessemae’s, whose products I used and loved long before they sponsored this. All thoughts and opinions are my own.}

When it comes to eating Whole30, there are two ways to do it: 1) The hard way, or 2) the lazy girl way. Clearly, the lazy girl way is my choice every time, so anytime I can come up with a short-cut or a “hack” to make it easier (AKA enable me to be lazier) I get really excited about it. So, now I’m going to let you in on my all-time favorite Whole30 hack, which requires little-to-nothing from me…grilling. Yep. Outdoor BBQ’ing is my jam when it comes to quick and easy Whole30 tips and here’s why…

In our house I am the cook. It’s not because I’m good at it or anything, cause I’m really not, but more because I am home and it’s just more convenient with our schedules. But, I seriously loathe cooking dinner. It’s the one task I dread all day long, because not only am I not the greatest cook and terribly slow at prep, but it also falls exactly during the witching hour. Parents, you know the one – that wretched time of day when your kids are grumpy and needy and decide to have a meltdown over EVERY. LITTLE. THING.

It’s the worst. But grilling with my Whole30 BFF Tessemae’s makes it a whole lot better.

Whole30 Grilling // via The Little Things We Do

You see, my husband and I have an understanding that we came to after I ruined one too many expensive cuts of steak: he is in charge of all things grilling. So now all I have to do is prep the food and leave it for him to grill once he gets home. And, yes, I do realize that prep is half the work of making dinner, but Tessemae’s grilling accouterments (I totally had to look up how to spell that, lest you think I’m super fancy) cut out all the prep time that I used to spend making my own sauces and marinades. So basically now Tessemae’s and Craig make dinner for me every night, because: summer = BBQ’ing errday.

Right now they have an awesome grill pack that includes some of my Whole30 compliant favorites: Matty’s BBQ Sauce (Seriously life changing. Craig is a BBQ sauce snob and he totally reaches for this over the non Whole30 options we have in our fridge), Slow Roasted Garlic spread/marinade/rub (I put it on everything. Peace out to garlic mincing!), Hot Sauce/Wing Sauce (to spice up pretty much anything) and Ketchup…which I actually didn’t get with my grill pack, but already had because it’s amazing and our bottle is practically out. See Exhibit A: kind of obsessed.

Whole30 Grilling // via The Little Things We Do

The grill pack also includes delicious honey mustard (Paleo, not Whole30, because: honey. Duh.) that will rock your world and a teriyaki sauce that’s not whole30/paleo, but still free of lots of junk (read: sugar, animal products, gluten, etc.). Basically the grill pack is awesome and filled with all the things you need to trick other people into cooking dinner for you every night. Lazy girl win. Oh…and just so you know I totally made AMAZING grilled salmon last night by mixing the honey mustard and slow roasted garlic (along with some avocado oil, salt, and pepper) in a marinade. SO good.

Annnnnddd…for all you other lazy girls out there (or you know even if you’re not lazy I guess), you can enter to win your own grill pack, because I’m an enabler and want you to eat delicious, healthy things whilst being lazy, because Tessemae’s and I care. We’re thoughtful like that.

To enter, all you have to do is follow @tessemaes on Instagram and leave a comment below saying which condiment you’d most like to try along with your IG handle. Easy peasy! Be sure to signify that you completed both using the Rafflecopter below otherwise your entry won’t be logged. 

The giveaway starts today (@12:00 AM, Thursday, 6/4/15) and will end next Thursday (6/11/15 @12:00 AM).

Also, if you want to order anything from Tessemae’s, use the code: Tesse+Lauren and you’ll get 10% off your order at checkout!

Here’s to grilling the deliciously lazy way!



a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. The Slow-Roasted Garlic sounds amazing! I would love to try it! @lshack78

  2. They look amazing. I’ve been thinking about doing Whole 30. I will certainly look into these!

  3. Mark Gramaglia says:

    Tessemae’s, art’s ah nice!

  4. Brittney says:

    Def want to try the slow roasted garlic rub! Sounds delish! @britt71884

  5. I’m lazy also and really need the mayo and ketchup in my whole30 life.

  6. Heather says:

    @heatherisrad, I’m on round 2 #whole30 and need some Mattys BBQ in my life. We grill 4 times a week for our lazy whole30 dinner. I’m with you!

  7. Nicole Esposito says:

    I am all about the BBQ sauce! Currently Teesemea products being carried in my Whole Foods is are the dressings, which I love. I hope the whole line comes soon! nespo117

  8. Dana K. says:

    Everything about this grill pack would be amazing! I am starting the Whole 30 after my pregnancy is complete (1 month) and would LOVE to use all these! Thanks!

  9. Gimme that there ketchup!!

    Now I’m thinking about sauce at 7:15 in the morning


  10. I’m in the middle of Whole30 right now and dying for BBQ sauce – can’t wait to try Tessemae’s! @aoslica

  11. BBQ Sauce!

  12. MMM Slow Roasted Garlic with fresh slices of lemon on Salmon. Okay, I just had breakfast and I am already thinking dinner. LOL

  13. Melissa says:

    Oh I’ve been wanting to try to bbq sauce for a while now! About to start whole 30 again and it is a must have! @missmcdavis

  14. Rachael S. says:

    I’d love to try the barbeque sauce and hot sauce! I love doing Whole30 but, as a sauce lover, I miss marinades etc! Easy is always best!!

  15. They all look so good, but I’d love to try the slow roasted garlic marinade.

  16. Nicole R says:

    BBQ sauce

  17. Christopher Sorel says:

    Slow Roasted Garlic spread/marinade/rub sounds great

  18. Nicole D. says:

    Tessamae’s Balsamic is my go to for everything. It’s so yummy!


  19. The bbq sauce and the ketchup sound awesome. The kids are dip obsessed so it would be nice to have options that are not full of sugar. @kiraprov

  20. Stefanie says:

    The slow roasted garlic sounds like heaven. @stefaniesr

  21. Matty’s BBQ sauce @brittanyeroberson

  22. I’m dying to try the teriyaki sauce! We can’t find it anywhere
    IG: shari_hiler

  23. julie fuller says:

    The slow roasted garlic sounds delicious!!! @juliefuller

  24. Cassidy Stockton says:

    These look awesome! Regardless of whether I win, I have to get these! Probably the garlic or barbecue sauce would be my first wish. Thanks Lauren!

  25. Heather Julander says:

    Slow roasted garlic! Yum! I’d love to gift this to my dad for Father’s Day!

  26. Lindsay says:

    im dying to try the bbq sauce and can’t find it in Canada! Pretty please pick me 🙂

  27. Lindsay says:

    I’m dying to try the bbq sauce and I can’t find it in Canada! Pick me pretty please! Thanks!

  28. These all look incredible — but would love to try the ketchup to be able to give my kids a better ketchup alternative. @katienagus

  29. I’m a sucker for honey mustard. It sounds incredible!

  30. Valerie says:

    Slow-roasted garlic for sure! I would love to win this!

  31. Traci G says:

    I have been contemplating Whole30, these would be perfect! I pinned your lazy girls guide too 🙂

  32. It would have to be a toss up between the garlic and the hot sauce. I’m thinking about mixing both to make hot garlic wings! @wendyb1993

  33. HOT SAUCE! I want to try it all! NOM NOM!

  34. kelsey_tish says:

    That grill pack sounds amazing, i’ve been on the hunt for a good rub. Love Tessemae’s dressings too! @kelsey_tish

  35. Shannon says:

    Ready for a new tasty treat!

  36. Kimberly smith says:

    I am a sucker for any type of sauce but honey mustard is my favorite.

  37. Heather says:

    Their honey mustard is my fav!

  38. The Garlic Spread sounds yummy!

  39. Melissa Rohr says:

    I already love their BBQ sauce but have been dying to try the rest of the grill pack!

  40. Lauren B. says:

    The ketchup! I haven’t used ketchup in a while because of the refined sugars that are added to most. This one looks great! And sweetened with date puree!

  41. Zenetta says:

    I would most like to try the Chesapeake Mayo.

  42. All of them!! But Ketchup mostly, or Slow Roasted Garlic! Or the Teriyaki. Yummmmmm.
    Instagram: @cuhry

  43. Denise M says:

    I really want to try the teriyaki sauce

  44. jessica says:

    the slow roasted garlic sounds perfect! I add extra garlic to every recipe! and probably the ketchup too, since my 3 year old uses it every single meal. (cheese sticks dipped in ketchup?!?) @jessgrune.

  45. Slow Roasted Garlic rub sounds amazing! @carychambers

  46. Tricia Chorak says:

    I love Tessemae’s!!! Would love to try the Ketchup!

  47. I have been wanting to try all of these as I live by the Cracked Pepper Dressing.
    I am most excited about the BBQ sauce!!

  48. The bbq sauce & teriyaki are a must in our house!

  49. IG: twoplusluna

  50. i LOVE the dressings– I wanna try that garlic run for sure!!

  51. I want to try the ketchup and mayo!

  52. I’d really love to try the slow roasted garlic spread. I love all things garlic. @trehottie

  53. Jessica says:

    slow roasted garlic sounds so good!

  54. the garlic spread is right up my alley. I’m thinking of trying the Whole 30 once school finishes up. I’m nervous to do it!

  55. They all sound amazing, but I am a full on garlic girl!

  56. I LOVE Tessemae’s and fell in love during my first Whole30. I haven’t tried their BBQ sauce yet because I was waiting until summer/grilling weather. Fingers are crossed! Instragram handle: @kim_wilcox

  57. We are getting ready to start a Whole30 in the next little bit and I think the BBQ sauce would be a lifesaver since I love bbq sauce! @misssunshine19

  58. Everything looks tasty, but I can pass up honey mustard @mrsjudys

  59. Lindsay Bryan says:

    My local Safeway just stopped carrying this! I’ve trend all my friends onto Tessemae’s and now we can’t find it locally. Thank goodness for Internet ordering! My favourite is to make amazing dips (southwest ranch plus Frank’s Res Hot is pure amazingness!).

  60. Can’t wait to try that BBQ sauce!!! ❤️

  61. The honey mustard! i love their ranch

  62. I already love their wing sauce (and even used up my last bottle for a salad!) And would love to try that garlic rub or BBQ sauce. @melloduck

  63. I am most interested in trying their hot buffalo sauce.

  64. I am most excited to try the Honey Mustard!

  65. DJohnson says:

    I would love to try the honey mustard.

  66. Cindy A. says:

    I would love to try their Slow-Roasted Garlic and ketchup. Thank you so much for the giveaway!

  67. Chelsey says:

    I just placed my first order for Tessamae’s condiments right before I saw this post. I picked up the zesty ranch dressing in the store and it was great on dinner tonight!

  68. I’d love to try the Slow Roasted Garlic

  69. so curious about the natural mayo @tushybye

  70. I really want to try their mayo!

  71. Carolsue says:

    The Honey Mustard sounds good to me!

  72. I would LOVE to try the bbq and teriyaki sauce! @allydepartee

  73. Melissa says:

    ive been dying to try tessamAes! I heard the hot sauce is ridiculous

  74. So glad I found this! Today is my “Day 0” and I’m going grocery shopping this evening. Going to stockpile a few of these–especially the BBQ sauce!

  75. Melissa says:

    Honey mustard and hot sause!

  76. Cara Lee says:

    The honey mustard sounds delicious! @caradaniellexo

  77. LindaMc says:

    I would love to try the teriyaki sauce

  78. I’d love to try the slow roasted garlic spread! Sounds amazing!

  79. shaunie says:

    Would love to try the honey mustard

  80. I’d love the slow roasted garlic but the ketchup would be wonderful too!

  81. i really want to try their mayo!! and i’m completely obsessed with most of their other products espesh their ranch!! (ig-misseshoneysett)

  82. corrina horne-castro says:

    teriyaki sauce is my jam. finding one that won’t march me to an early grave would be heavenly.
    instagram: corrinahornecastro

  83. Danielle says:

    Yummy!!! Pick me!!! I can’t wait to try the BBQ sauce.
    Daniellemassari (IG)

  84. Marteen Hartmann says:

    I would like to try teriyaki sauce. @MrsMHart

  85. Any of the BBQ sauces sound nice! Especially this time of year. My family LOVES to grill!

  86. You know I love me some good paleo (pre made) goodness!! The roasted garlic sounds soooo good!

  87. Definitely the garlic rub so i can be lazier than i already am! @karmilette_anne

  88. That hot sauce has my name written all over it. I’ve been dying to try all of their stuff!

  89. Omg saw this page on organic Olivia’s page and am verrrrrry interested in trying it! In my house bbq sauce is a staple. I’ve even tried to make an organic version for my 2 little ones. I would desperately love this giveaway! I excited to try all of the sauces, but bbq and the ranch really caught my eye!!!!!

  90. I just ordered the ranch, Caesar, honey mustard & wing sauce yesterday. I really want to try the BBQ sauce and ketchup though!

  91. Susan Bivens says:

    BBQ and ketchup! @susanjbivens

  92. Ashlee Kelly says:

    I’ve been oogling over their products for awhile now! I think the ketchup would be great to try, I might even be able to get my picky eater husband to take a stab at it too. He puts ketchup on everything!


  93. I would love to try the Teriyaki sauce to grill chicken during the summer time! 🙂

  94. Stephanie says:

    I would LOVE to try all of them! But I must say with summer time here now in Phoenix I can’t wait to try the bbq sauce!

  95. I need that hot sauce/wing sauce, slow roasted garlic…let’s be honest I need them all! Doing a Whole30 right now and this would be amazing! @raevonrisque

  96. Love all thee flavors!

  97. Slow roasted garlic!!

  98. I would love to finally try their BBQ sauce and their ketchup! What a fun giveaway!

  99. I would love to try Tessemae’s Matty’s BBQ sauce! You totally sold that one on me!! @mllaffer84

  100. The slow roasted garlic sounds amazing! I love garlic anything!! my IG handle – moona_m

  101. I would love to try the teriyaki sauce!! I’ve been missing it!! @jen_johnston3

  102. Marisa R says:

    I can’t wait to use the buffalo sauce over roasted cauliflower!

  103. The bbq sauce is amazing!!

  104. I’m honestly dying to try it all! The BBQ sauce sounds luke a necessity. I hate using the oven during the summer. The grill is where it’s at!

  105. Tiffany H. says:

    I love love love Tessemae’s!!! I want all of them! 😉 The honey mustard and bbq sauce would be great additions to my summer grilling. IG: @tiffers0630

  106. Ashley Ward says:

    I would love to try the bbq sauce! Their ketchup is already a favorite at our house. :). @ashley__marian

  107. I can’t wait to try the BBQ sauce on everything this summer- burgers and chicken! My boyfriend is joining me on the Whole 30 adventure and will be so excited to try this, too. (He puts BBQ sauce on everything!)

    IG: stayg0ld247

  108. Jamie Wright says:

    BBQ and the teriyaki – no sugar, no gluten – checks all my boxes. And I’m definitely going to buy the ketchup…if not many other condiments to make like tastier and easier.

  109. Brittany K. says:

    I have to pick just one?!?! I love Tessemae’s dressing and would LOVE to try the BBQ sauce. I’ve been searching high and low for a Whole 30 compliant BBQ sauce that I can buy locally with no luck…because making my own just isn’t going to happen. . IG: @bjoykelley

  110. Anne Marie says:

    Just started my first Whole30 and bought my first bottle of Tessemae’s dressing. Would love to try the garlic rub and ketchup! @amducote

  111. Jessica says:

    I would love to try the BBQ sauce! Hot sauce too… 🙂

  112. I NEED some of that honey mustard in my life!!

  113. I would love to try Matt’s BBQ sauce. Love grilling ribs!!

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