31 Things On My 31st Birthday

Remember back in the day when blogging was simple? The days of fill-in-the-blank blog hops and the posting of lists of fun facts about ourselves and un-styled, crappy cell phone photos…ahhh, how I long for those days sometimes. Granted I still totally do the crappy cell phone photo thing, but that’s besides the point. I still miss it. The small tight-knit community filled with people who actually took the time to comment on things was so lovely. I know that life gets busy and attention spans are shorter. I am completely guilty of this myself and I honestly can’t even remember the last time I left a blog comment. But, that doesn’t mean I can’t still get all nostalgic about it.

And so, on the eve of my 31st birthday, I’ve decided that I’m throwing is back old school style with a little list of 31 things about me. Because even though it may not be super exciting, it’s my birthday and on one’s birthday they can do whatever they please. Pretty sure that’s an official rule somewhere.

Anyway…here goes…

31 Things On My 31st Birthday // via The Little Things We Do

1. I am an ESFJ, although I just barely make it into the E (extrovert) category. For years I thought I was an extrovert, but in my adult years I’ve wondered whether or not I might actually be an introvert. Now I’m fairly convinced I’m an ambivert.

2. I adore musicals. The showtunes station on Pandora plays on repeat at our house.

3. I prefer the mountains to the beach, mostly because I loathe being hot.

4. I have selective OCD. Certain things in my life can be chaotic (i.e. my disaster of a closet), but if a utensil is put back in the wrong drawer it totally stresses me out.

5. My nail polish is always chipped. Literally always. Even if I put it on five minutes ago.

6. When I was a kid I wanted to change my name to Zooey.

7. I’m really awesome at carrying a crap ton of stuff at once. It’s kind of a hidden talent.

8. My favorite color is grey.

9. We had a hedgehog when I was a kid and he was a real douchebag.

10. Actually…now that I think of it, I have a lot of really strange animal stories from my childhood…like the time I snuck a dwarf bunny in my backpack and took it to school or the time my dad brought home a baby kitten for me in his lunchbox. I don’t even know.

11. Confession: I was kind of a Disney hater before I had Fern. Then I took her to Disneyland and my heart exploded and now I’m sort of Disney obsessed. I secretly want these Little Mermaid shoes.

12. I am a recovering maximalist. My house used to be filled with so many tchotchkes it was unreal and I used to go thrifting like every other week. SO. MUCH. STUFF. But then I decided I was over it. We moved and I purged a ton of stuff. I’m definitely not a minimalist now, but I do have friends that seem to think so. Clutter kind of stresses me out.

13. I kind of hate cooking dinner. I don’t mind the other meals, but dinner is the worst for some reason. Probably because I’m always tired by the end of the day and it’s the witching hour and my kids are usually melting down like popsicles in July. It’s pretty much my least favorite part of every day.

14. I am really, really, REALLY terrible at math. Like embarrassingly so.

15. I have known my husband since I was 10 years old. I thought he was super obnoxious when we were kids, but then we fell in love in high school. I like to think of him as my real-life Mr. Darcy.

16. My birthday is exactly 7 days before Craig’s, so I have the luxury of seeing how much effort he puts into my birthday, before getting to decide what I want to do for him. Kidding…mostly ;).

17. I am kind of obsessed with my kid’s names (Fern Winter + Clive Clarke) and there aren’t many others I love quite as much, so I worry that any future children will have “leftover” names.

18. In high school I was a super church girl. I legitimately had an “I love Jesus” t-shirt and went to church camp and did Bible quizzing. Look it up. Super nerd status.

19. I can’t stand music without words. Techno and classical or death metal (incoherent screaming does not count as words)…no thanks.

20. I have a massive extended family. I seriously couldn’t even name all my cousins if I tried.

21. My husband makes some pretty amazing beer, but it’s lost on me since I don’t really like beer. Hard cider, gin cocktails and white wine/champagne are my jam.
22. I wanted to be Belle from Beauty and the Beast so badly when I was a kid and after seeing the movie, I remember walking around with a book in hand and reading 24/7 to truly get into character.

23. I am not athletically coordinated and as such have never played a team sport. Oh wait. I actually played basketball in 8th grade. I made exactly 3 baskets the entire year. They were all free throws. And once I filled in on a co-ed softball team in college (per my husband’s request, since they needed an extra girl to play) and I was horrible. I actually catch and throw with the same hand.
24. I was born in California and lived there until I was six-years-old. I was born in LA on the closing day of the 1984 Olympics. They Olympics were in LA that year so there were fireworks let off the day I was born. My mom used to tell me that they were for me when she told me the story.

25. The Perseid meteor shower happens every year on my birthday and I always thought it was kind of magical.

26. I am an avid notetaker anytime I’m listening to a speaker or taking a class. In college I was actually a paid notetaker.

27. My favorite class in high school was photography. I took the class all four years. It was when digital cameras were still really new, so I used film. I was the teacher’s assistant and learned how to roll my own film and develop photos in the dark room. Sometimes I really miss it. Mostly I think I miss the tangible quality of what photos once were. I seriously NEVER print photos now.

28. I didn’t have any girl friends until I went to college. All of my best friends were guys.
29. If I had to list my top 10 favorite songs they would include: 1) Wonderwall by Oasis 2) The Freshman by The Verve Pipe 3) Brick by Ben Folds Five, 4) PYT by Michael Jackson, 5) I Could Have Danced All Night from My Fair Lady, 6) The Sign by Ace of Base, 7) Superstitious by Stevie Wonder, 8) My Girl – the Otis Redding version, 9) Falling Slowly by The Swell Season, 10) Mowtown Philly by Boyz II Men. Dude. I have weird taste in music. But, these each have memories for me, which makes them special.

30. I never really wanted to be a mom when I was growing up, but I’m so glad I became one.
31. If I could choose one random skill to excel at it would be dancing. I’m kind of terrible at it.


  1. Thanks for sharing! Happy Happy Birthday!

  2. don’t worry about the ‘left over’ name. though it’s super hard to find a cool, unique name for your 3rd child (4th in my case!) it’s not that hard once you find that one that ‘clicks’ in your heart.
    i loved your list!
    happy birthday!

  3. I loved reading this!!!

    I like lists too but I don’t make them as much as I used to. I miss that about blogging because I would post my lists on my blog.

    Blogging in the “old school” days was much more laid back and fun. Because of your FITBF, I met so many bloggers who are friends of mine now 🙂

  4. Dinner is the worst. I think that’s why God invented the Crock Pot. 🙂

  5. I love on-the-day-I-was-born stories. I was born in Idaho when it was 40 below 0 and they almost wouldn’t let me go home. Happy Birthday!

  6. I love lists 🙂 So fun sometimes to reflect and put a little bit of your personality down in writing.

    These are so awesome. My Fair Lady is the BEST (all the heart emojis for this musical). And those songs girl? My faves.

    Enjoy the magical meteor shower birthday girl! It’s like God is sending you a heavenly show in your honor.

  7. I should have not clicked on the link to the shoes – I WANT THE WINNIE THE POOH SHOES!!!! Oh my gosh, they are amazing!

    Anywho, I loved this posting. Happy Birthday! 🙂

  8. I love lists! They never get old — particularly on blogs. Helps readers better identify with the writer! Happy (belated) birthday, ma’am!

  9. This was a fun blog post friend! I love your song choices!

  10. So true about the good old days of blogging! I am just now going through my old posts and re-publishing them (since I had taken them all off my blog) and I came across your blog again because of the fill in the Friday posts I had made! Thanks for having inspired me time and time again. I can’t wait to get back to blogging.

  11. You came to mind today (probably because I’m working on an etsy shop for kids and I thought about how you would do style posts with Fern)…anyway, it has been forever since I checked your blog and now you’re going to have a third baby! I remember when you were still teaching! This post seemed the perfect one to comment on since you mentioned the old blog days which is what I remember the most from here!

    Congratulations! And Happy Belated Birthday! 😉

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