Oh Hey Baby!

If you follow me on Instagram, then you probably heard the news already, but if not this is what’s been happening around here…

Oh Hey Baby! // via The Little Things We Do


I’ve been cooking up a tiny human! Which means come next May there will be three little people running around here (likely with my sanity in their sticky clutches) and things are going to get a whole lot more interesting.

As for this pregnancy it has also been a whole lot more interesting than my others. I’ve been lucky enough to have fairly easy pregnancies so far, but this time has really kicked my butt. I’ve been so incredibly nauseous (tonight I cooked salmon which I had been craving for days and after one bite almost barfed). I’ve also had really debilitating migraines. I was sleeping with an ice pack on my face and a towel over my eyes, because it was so painful. Thankfully the symptoms are easing up, but I’ve been a pretty unpleasant person to be around in the interim. So much takeout and SO much grumpiness. Sorry family. I’m busy creating the miracle of life over here though, so I get some leeway right?

Anyway, now you know why my blogging schedule has been even more abysmal than usual (I couldn’t look at my computer screen with those migraines for weeks!). There is plenty more to discuss, like how we decided to make another human and about all my hopes and dreams and fears and all of that, but I’ll save that for another day. For now, I am just going to bask in the beauty of the human body and God’s plan for creating life, because it really is pretty rad.




  1. congrats! I found out i was pregnant last month with my third due at the end of april. It will be nice to follow along.

  2. Congrats!! I’m a little scared for the next pregnancy just because my first was pretty darn easy, but I definitely got the migraines too! Those hormones totally do a number on my head. Glad they are subsiding!

    Latest Post: Exploring The Amalfi Coast: A Boat Tour to Capri and 6 Years of Wedded Bliss ~ http://thebarnncblog.com

  3. Congratulations! Can’t wait to read about your new adventure! And to see what awesome name you give him/her.

  4. That’s exciting! Congratulations!!

    XO ~ Christine Ballisty Photography

  5. Yay Yay Yay so exciting!!!! congrats!!!

  6. Congrats to you & your family! I have been reading your blog posts from when you were teaching. I’m not a mom, but you seem so laid back & honest about it. Plus, you make beautiful babes!

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