Helping My Kids Bring Out Their Inner Superhero

When it comes to healthy choices, sometimes kids need a bit of…hmmm…shall we say “persuading”. Or at least mine do.

These days getting my littles to eat anything that is a vegetable basically requires an act of God. Last night we did trick Fern into eating some baby carrots by telling her about Bugs Bunny and making it a silly game. She ate like eight baby carrots which is pretty much the most she’s eaten of a vegetable in her entire life. Definitely a parenting win. Clive on the other hand will do everything in his power to avoid them. Even when I do my best to hide them in delicious things that he loves, he will find a way to sniff them out and refuse to eat them (insert exasperated emoji + an eye rolling emoji here).

Helping My Kids Bring Out Their Inner Superhero // via The Little Things We Do

Thankfully they LOVE vitamins, which helps to fill in some of the gaps where their diets are lacking (thanks picky stage!), so they were super excited to try out these new Olly Kids Vitamin Boosts. The campaign for these new vitamins is super fun and one that was easy to get my kids on board with, because aimed at bringing out your kid’s inner “superhero” to help them feel their very best. My kids are ALL about superheroes these days and love nothing more than donning their super capes to chase each other around the house, so this campaign gave me a great way to talk about the things we put into our bodies and how putting good things in is how you grow healthy and strong…and even maybe a little “super”.

Since this new line of vitamins has four options (Growing Bones, Super Brainy, Happy Tummy, and Mighty Immunity), my kids get to choose their daily vitamin based on what they (and I) think they may need for the day. They love this part, because pretty much any time my kids get to feel in charge of something and like they’re getting to choose for themselves they are happy campers. When they remind me about their daily vitamin (every morning without fail, because who wants to miss out on delicious, little gummies!) we look at the labels and think about what we’ll be doing that day and what would help their bodies the most. When my husband had the stomach flu last week they chose the Mighty Immunity vitamins. On the days when we’re going to the park they choose Growing Bones, because they “need strong bones to climb the slide and run super fast”. On the days when Fern is working on her letters or we’re headed to the library she’ll choose Super Brainy to help her “remember all the important things in the books”. And when they’ve had unsettled tummies, they’ll opt for the Happy Tummy vitamin – which is Clive’s most frequent pick since he’s obsessed with his belly.

Helping My Kids Bring Out Their Inner Superhero // via The Little Things We Do

Helping My Kids Bring Out Their Inner Superhero // via The Little Things We Do

Helping My Kids Bring Out Their Inner Superhero // via The Little Things We Do

In addition to helping me feel better about my kid’s overall nutrition, the super hero campaign behind the vitamins has created a great platform for us to be able to talk about all the other ways – aside from taking our daily vitamins – that we as a family can make healthy choices in order to be more “super”. This has been particularly helpful in encouraging them to choose imaginative play over TV watching, or when reminding them that too many sweets will make them feel “less super”. It’s been a great teaching tool as a parent, because by tying healthfulness into something they love (i.e. superheroes) they’ve become much more interested in making healthy choices, which makes my job as a parent a whole lot easier and we are all happier for it.

*P.S. Make sure to check out the fantastic giveaway Olly has going on right now that includes a year supply of vitamins, gift cards to Tea Collection, Target, and Starbucks, and more! Click the image below to enter!

OLLY Vitamins // via The Little Things We Do




*This post was created in partnership with OLLY. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own. Thank you so much for checking out and supporting the companies that I truly love!

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