My Kids May Be Exhausting, But at Least They’re Entertaining

When Fern was a baby and throughout most of her toddlerhood, I kept careful track of the important events in her life. I jotted down milestones in her baby book and when she started talking I wrote down words and phrases she said so I could remember them. I also blogged any and all events. I’m quite certain that Fern’s first Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas/Birthday are exhaustively documented here within the archives of this blog. And then Clive came along and, well…you know the story.

The first kid has a full baby book, the second kid has a baby book that has been started but isn’t very full and baby #3? Well…her baby book is still sitting completely untouched on a shelf in her room. #momfail. I’m pretty much a walking cliché at this point.

One thing I have actually stuck with though is jotting down the entertaining things they say in the notes folder of my phone. I have one for Fern quotes and one for Clive quotes. And even though, I may be total crap at keeping up with baby books, this is one thing I can actually do and that doesn’t feel too overwhelming.

Plus, one day when my kids are grown, I’m sure I won’t really care all that much to remember how old they were when they rolled over for the first time or how many teeth they had by their first birthday. But that Christmas when Fern was insistent that Baby Jesus’ manger wasn’t actually a manger, but rather a Pack ‘n Play? That I will definitely want to remember :).

So here are a few recent kid quotes. First up, Fern (age 4 years + 10 months):

Kids: Exhausting, But Entertaining.Kids: Exhausting, But Entertaining. Kids: Exhausting, But Entertaining. Kids: Exhausting, But Entertaining.

Now, some gems from Clive (age 2 years + 5 months):

Kids: Exhausting, But Entertaining.

Kids: Exhausting, But Entertaining.

Kids: Exhausting, But Entertaining.

And a funny conversation between the two of them:

Kids: Exhausting, But Entertaining.

I really need to be better at writing down more of these, but I’m thankful for the ones I actually have saved.

Do any of you save your kid’s quotes? What’s the funniest/most entertaining thing your kid(s) have ever said?




  1. I also keep a note in my phone of quotes. Two christmases ago my parents gave us a book called My Quotable Kid. Every couple of weeks I sit down and write them in the book. Now we have a whole book full of them. I love it!

    • @Rachel- That’s a great idea! I always see that book and think it would be fun, but stick with the note in my phone. I don’t know why I never thought about writing them down from my phone. So simple and smart!

  2. Your kids are so cute, this post is so funny!

  3. Hahaha but first coffee!!! These are so good

  4. I’ve started my son’s own quotes hashtag so I can keep track. Some of my recent favorites

    Me: Hey Rowan, whatcha doing?
    Ro: Katie mom. I’m just climbing. You don’t need to talk
    [yes, my 2.5 year old calls me by my first name]

    Ro: mom. Mom. Moooooooooom. Momomomom. Mom
    Me: can you please think of a nicer way to talk?
    Ro: …… I wasn’t talking to you.

    Ro [to his baby sister]: hi Luce. Hiya girl. You have a Gina. I have a penis. Grandpa has a penis too.

    Rowan: if I use my quiet voice and you don’t pay attention then I have to use my loud voice… If I use my loud voice then you have to stop running because it’s not safe.

  5. Oh my goodness! the 3rd Fern quote made me cry laughing at work! 🙂 good stuff. I am the worst at writing down things! Even my first has no baby book…just a few random scraps of paper with memories written on them, and thousands of unorganized pictures and videos (which I will someday totally organize into a watchable file). I should totally start doing the phone notes thing tho… I might actually keep up with it that way! 🙂 thanks for the laugh

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