Strong Girl. Sweet Girl. Whoever She Wants To Be Girl.

Brave Girl. Strong Girl. Whoever She Wants To Be Girl. // via The Little Things We Do

There’s just something about pink and sparkles and frills and princesses. These things have a nearly universal appeal amongst little girls of a certain age and much as I may be baffled by the phenomenon, it’s pretty undeniable when I look at my 4-year-old daughter and her interests. The thing is, I never pushed the […]

Because I’m a Sucker For a Good Matching Moment

Mommy + Me Outfits With Hanna Andersson

When I was a kid, more than just about anything in the world, I wanted to own a Daisy Kingdom dress. The floral/bunny patterns, pinafores, oversized collars and fluffy underskirts were all the rage in the early 90’s Baptist church we attended. Even “cooler” still was if you were able to match with your mom or a […]