random talents.

Random talents. We all have them.  Some are actually useful.  Some are fun.  Some are just weird. Today, I thought I’d share a couple of  random talents that we have in our family…. Me:   I can carry a LOT of things.  No seriously.  I can carry a ton of stuff at once.  You know […]

romantic surprises.

My husband is a closet romantic. He’s not the typical kind of romantic though. He hates mandatory gift giving occasions  (think: Valentine’s Day, Anniversaries, etc…). But sometimes out of the blue I come home  to a sweet surprise like this: He carved a heart for me with a chainsaw, because: “It will last way longer […]

daddy daughter.

 There’s no mistaking it…. She’s all his. Can you believe how similar Craig and Fern look?? (He’s on the left in case you were wondering) She is most definitely her Daddy’s Daughter :). Head over to Babble to see the rest of my side by side Fern & Craig photo comparisons! xo Lauren

date night: work with what you’ve got.

I’m quickly learning that date night is  important when you have a baby. Not that it wasn’t important before, but basically any/every night was date night because we had uninterrupted time together every single day.  Even though we didn’t necessarily go anywhere, just watching a movie or hanging out and talking about our days without […]


This weekend Fern had her first bath. OK…. That’s a lie. It was actually her second.  She had one at the birthing center on her second day of life so we could wash off all the birth gunk from her hair.  Also, it wasn’t actually a bath.  It was a shower.  I took her in […]


I’m maybe (ok, for sure) kind of addicted to Instagram. (follow me @ thelittlethingswedo) …And here are a couple of photos I took this weekend  using its awesomeness. Coordinated wrapping paper + the scarf I got my mom for Christmas.  A magical unicorn to make wishes on, found in the the magical land  otherwise known […]