
My Dear, Sweet Fern Winter… Today you are three. THREE. Even just typing those words blows my mind. I know it’s such a cliche, but it really does seem like only yesterday that you were a tiny baby in my arms at the birth center. I remember holding your tiny body and feeling so many […]

Adventures With Fern: Disney On Ice

This weekend my parents surprised Fern with last-minute tickets to Disney on Ice and it was pretty much the cutest thing on the planet. I mean…how could it not be the cutest, when you’re going with a toddler dressed up like Minnie Mouse? She was the only one in a sea of princesses, so she […]

happy birthday to fern and happy birth day to me.

Today my sweet Fern Winter is one year old.  {Photo from her birthday brunch over the weekend – see more photos over at Babble and DIY party details at Disney Baby} I can hardly believe it’s been an entire year since this little giver of joy came into our lives and gave us so many […]