life lessons for fern #4.

Dear Fern, As you go through life you will unfortunately be bombarded with messages about beauty.  Our media portrays a standard of beauty that has been photoshopped beyond recognition and is completely unattainable.  Websites and magazines and TV shows…they’ll all seek to convince you that you are inadequate.But I want you to know that…You are […]

life lessons for fern #3.

Dear Fern, This weekend you wore the cutest little rainbow romper.  It was absolutely adorable on you, because rompers are precious on babies, but it made me remember a time when I bought a romper as a grown-up. It was about two years ago and rompers were a trend at the time.  I promptly went […]

life lessons for fern: #2.

Dear Fern, This weekend you tried out your first swimsuit which made me think of a very important life lesson that I would like to bestow to you – this one actually has multiple parts. Life Lesson #2:   The 3 Tenants of Swimsuit Shopping: 1. Buy a swimsuit for your body type. There will […]

life lessons for fern: #1.

Dear Fern, There are a lot of things that I am going to need to teach you over the years, so I figured I might as well start imparting my infinite knowledge to you early so you can soak it all up  :).  I’d like to call these little life lessons for you.  Let’s start […]

life isn’t a plan.

I’ve been thinking about life lately.  About how when you’re young, the world is your oyster and life is full of possibilities.  You dream of becoming an astronaut or a ballerina or a panda bear or President of the United States and nothing about that seems unrealistic or unachievable.  Then you get a little older […]

life lesson #4.

The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. People seem to have this idea that other people have it better than they do.  Well…they don’t.  Everyone has their hang-ups, shortcomings, and downfalls. I know I’ve mentioned this before on the blog, but Craig and I dated for six years before getting married.  Around year […]