Let’s Talk About S to the E to the X.

Today we’re going to talk about sex. Yep. I said it. Also…this post may venture into the TMI category, so if you’re not into that kind of thing feel free to stop reading here. See…I even put a nice big image below this to break it up and give you fair warning because I’m thoughtful […]

on marriage and slippery slopes.

I’m going to be vulnerable today and tell you about a not-so-lovely moment that Craig and I had a few weeks ago in our marriage. We had a fight. And I honestly don’t even remember what started it, but I do remember how I reacted and how that reaction was a pretty piss poor way […]

10 ways to affair proof your marriage.

After Craig and I got engaged, his parents sent us to an engagement retreat. We learned a lot about marriage in all the sessions we attended, but the one that has always stuck with me most was the session we attended about “How To Affair Proof Your Marriage”. Honestly, I never would’ve even given the […]

marriage = hard work. marriage + a kid = exponentially harder work.

Seriously people…marriage is hard work. It’s not like I expected it to be a cake walk or anything. We did pre-marital counseling and read like a bajillion books, but it’s still been nothing like what I imagined. It’s so much better than I ever thought possible, but also SO much more challenging as well. Intertwining […]