a weekend in the woods.

Sunday was mine and Craig’s five year anniversary…and to celebrate we spent the weekend in the woods. We headed to Suttle Lake with my parents. This may seem unromantic, but it was actually super perfect because I’m still nursing Fern and can’t get away for a weekend without her yet and going with my parents […]

weekend getaway.

This weekend we went to Canada. We went to a marriage retreat outside of Vancouver B.C.  We ate delicious food and relaxed and checked in on our marriage and how we’re doing.  Here is the documentation of our weekend… Heading out… In Horseshoe Bay killing time before we drove to the marina to catch our […]

a fun-filled weekend.

We had a busy fun-filled road trip weekend.Visited great friends.Ate far too much delicious food.And it was lovely. Rainier cherries – perfect road trip food. Pit stop @ In N Out. We don’t have one in Oregon.Craig thought it was just OK. We stayed with our wonderful friends Caroline and Marc and Caroline introduced me to […]

what i did on my summer vacation: part 4.

After the Grand Canyon  we headed to L.A. First stop:  Griffith Park Observatory My parent’s met here and it’s been on my “life list” to go there for quite some time. The building and surrounding hilly views are absolutely breathtaking and the exhibits were SO cool!!! After the seeing the observatory we were super excited […]

what i did on my summer vacation: part 3.

Today’s stop on our roadtrip is…. The Grand Canyon. I’ve wanted to go there ever since I was little, so this was the most anticipated stop of our journey.  We woke up that morning and it was pouring down rain.  As in….flash flood kind of rain.  I may or may not have cried and there […]

what i did on my summer vacation: part 2.

We left from Texas and headed toward New Mexico! This is me blissfully happy because we finally found some decent coffee.  It was no Stumptown but they grind their own beans and it wasn’t Starbucks, so it was exciting.       Catching some zzzzzzz’s……. Craig’s a way cuter sleeper than me.   Welcome to […]