fill in the blank friday.

Happy Friday!

Today’s blanks are brought to you by Meg of Mr. C & Me.
Thanks for giving me a break from blanks Meg!  Make sure to check out her blog and I hope you enjoy filling in the blanks!
1.   If money wasn’t an issue, the first thing I’d cross of my life list is     adopting a child. I’ve always wanted to adopt, but the cost is definitely prohibitive for the time being anyway. Hopefully we’ll be able to afford it one day though   .

2.    Mustard on french fries     is something I like that other people think is weird.

3.  If my life were a movie right now, the title would be     “Sleepless in Portland” (thanks newborn baby Fern)      .

4.  Three things I am looking forward to this month are     Valentine’s Day    ,    my 10-year dating anniversary with Craig   and     Fern being older and maybe learning to sleep through the night…that would be awesome   .

5.  My favorite song to sing in the shower is   old hymns or show tunes – weird, but true  .

6.  If I found out that the production of     Newman’s Own Chocolate O’s    was ending this month, I’d go out and buy as much as I could tomorrow.

7.  One thing I’ll never grow tired of is    hanging out with my husband. I like him pretty much always  .

Hope your weekend is filled with loveliness!



  1. Thanks for the shoutout! I had a blast coming up with blanks – so glad to help out & let you spend a little more time with the babe. 🙂

    P.S. I’m a show tunes shower girl myself!!

  2. Mustard on French fries is the only way to go! Love it! :o)

  3. loved this 😀 and who eats french fries with mustard? yuck! 😉

  4. I love your answer to #7! So sweet :).

    Happy Friday!

  5. I prefer my fries with mayo, but I’ve done the mustard thing before and I like it.

  6. I’m looking forward to V-Day too… or rather, a few days AFTER V-Day when BF will be here!

  7. I just found your blog today and linked up! Such a fun idea.

  8. Hubs and I would love to adopt one day. And it IS so expensive but what a blessing!


  9. why is it- that trying to love a child as your own, taking them OUT of the system and giving them real life is so expensive?! So many people would do it if the price wasn’t unbearable. I want to do the same.

  10. I just happened to find your blog, and LOVE it! What a great link up.

    I am right there with you on adoption. My husband and I dream of adopting, but I have to agree on the cost. It’s quite depressing 🙁

    Have a wonderful weekend!!! 🙂

  11. love this and your blog! can’t wait till next week so that i can link up too. ;D i hope you are having a blessed weekend!


  12. Just found this blog hop! I added it to our Blog Hops Directory over at Society of Socialpreneurs!

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