I Love You To the Moon

I Love You To the Moon // The Little Things We Do

Every mom who has gone before you on this unchartered trail of motherhood as a pioneer will be the first to tell you: It goes by so fast. Enjoy it. I remember hearing these words, or some variation, on more occasions than I could possibly count when Fern was a tiny baby. I remember thinking that […]

Little Moments

This week just hasn’t been the best. I guess some weeks are like that…“even in Australia”, but it doesn’t make them any easier. After our visit to the ER, and series of unfortunate events over the weekend, I figured things could only get better from there, but so far I just keep having lots of little […]

Our Montessori Floor Bed Experience

Our Montessori Floor Bed Experience // The Little Things We Do

I get e-mails and questions about Fern’s sleep set-up quite often, so I thought I’d finally share a full post about our Montessori floor bed experience…the what, the why, the when and the how. A floor bed is exactly what it sounds like…a bed on the floor. It sounds super weird to a lot of […]

This Kid

Lately I have been totally and completely blown away by what a little person Fern is becoming. This is her breaking out her cheesiest smile while taking a selfie to send to her Grandma. Here are a few funny things that she is doing and saying lately… >>> She insists on calling my mom “Ana” […]

Almost Two is Kicking My Butt

Fern is 21 months old…she will be two on January 15th. Right around months 17 to 18, life with her really started to get magical. Her language started exploding and her little personality was completely blossoming. Every day was fun and new and filled with learning moments and firsts. And then a few week ago […]

The Truth Behind TV

If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, then you probably read about how Fern and I were on Good Morning America yesterday morning, or maybe you even saw it. A lot of you were sweet enough to take the time to watch and leave nice comments, so thank you for that. (Here’s the link if you […]